-strangers- bxg

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You were scrolling in Pinterest while walking back to the basketball court where your team was seated watching the boy's match.

Suddenly a tall figure stood in front of you. You stopped to look at the same boy your eyes had been following throughout the days of the cultural-sport event.

"Yes?" You asked, masking your beating heart.

"Hey." His 7ft height shadowed over you and the smile melts you. You mentally slap yourself to reality.

"Excuse me?" You take a step to shift in the free side of the road.

"Actually I was hoping to talk to you." He blocked your way.


"Well for someone who has watched all my matches and none stop looked at me... I thought I should -" he bent a little lower to come close to your height with a small smirk on his face.

"I just loved your play. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." You don't want to be one of those stupid girls. You nod at him and leave.

"So you have a boyfriend?" He spoke loudly standing where you left him.

"Huh?" You stop in your tracks and turn to face him. You think 93% playboy genes.

"So you don't?" He moves towards you.


"May I?" You looked at his arm.


"Fucking." He grabbed you arm pulled you into the building which seemed to be empty. He pushes you against the wall, "I really want to kiss you."

"But you have a girlfriend." You prompt.

"Girlfriend? Fucking shut up." He pushes against you and kisses you hard.

You find yourself following him and allowing his every wish.

You hold his biceps as his arm encircled your waist.

You heads move to grasp air, " that's for distracting me during my matches."

"If that's how you play distracted. You got to keep me around." You look at his eyes returning the smirk.

"If I had any other idea, I wouldn't be here." He pulls you in another kiss. His hand now settle at your ass and he lifts you off the floor.

You tangle your fingers in his hair. His lips leave yours and move to neck he bite you first gaining a giggle from you.

"Sweetheart do you know my name?" His lips read sinister.

"Anul." You smile.

"Good, see you tonight." He placed a paper in your pocket, slapped you ass and walked away.

'Room 179- see you at 9pm' you read it and smile.

You had changed into your black lingerie and now stood in front of the room.
You ring the bell.

He sees you and pulls you in without missing a beat, "welcome."

He placed a kiss on your lip guiding you to his bed. He leaves his watch on the table and turns to walk to you.

"How long are you staying?"

"How long are you hoping?." You raise your eyebrow at him, "got any other fan booked for later."

"Never." He kneels down and kisses your hand. Then your thigh. Then your leg and he leaves it being placed over his shoulder.

"Yes" he turns to you with a smile, darkened eyes.

"Hmm, what are you doing?"

"Something I have been playing in my head since the morning you crashed into me."

"When?" You scrunched your eyebrow in confusion.

"Last year." He smiled pulling you to kiss him.

"Fuck." He bits you earlobe and makes his way to your neck to mark his territory.

You pull at his hair. He raises and pulls you with him.

Momentarily you break the kiss when he pulls off his shirt revealing the contour you had imagined him to have.

You smile against his lips.

"What?" He asked matching your smile.

"Nothing. You will call me a pervert if I say."

"I would love to know that side of you."

"You are... exactly how I expected you to be."

"Which is?"

"Abs." You whispered and he cracked a laughter.

"Raise your hands, I have to see yours." He undresses you leaving you in your black lingerie. He sucks in a deep breath at the sight.

"You will be the of me." He cups your breast and plays with your nipple below, placeing a soft kiss on the exposed area. Kissed area then becomes a hickey and you find yourself on the bed.

He moves lower and place a kiss over the lining of your panties, "you are wet."

"Not for you." Your remark make him bite you, sending shivers. He moves the cloth aside and drags his tongue licking you dry.

"You were saying." He smirked placing a finger in.

"Nothing." He thrusts the finger few times before adding another.

"You wanna repeat?"

"Nothing." He stretches you and you hip moves to his satisfaction.

"Last time? You were Saying?"

"Wet...wet..for you." You shiver to the rhythm of his fingers. His thumb plays to clitoris while the other two explosion your inside.

"Fuck." He goes down and starts sucking on you. You use your foot and push his head away gently and removes your panty. Satisfied he flips you over him. You linger over his hardness, just touching it.

You slowly press down on it and against him and slowly work you kisses to reach his neck. You place your legs to blocks his arms and sit over his mouth.

Taking it as your command his being to eat you. His tongue flicks your clitoris making you move against his face. He releases his arms control the rhythm of you hips pushing you deeper into his mouth.

"Ah." You were about to cum. "I am-" you do and he drinks it as you shiver while cumming.

"So my turn huh?" You breath looking at his face between your thighs.

"Only if you want to." He smiled with his lips draped in your cum.

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