1| Seeing Kiera

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"Stop pawing through my notebook, Dave." I said and made an attempt to grab my note from his hand. Dave, like the skilled basketball player that he was, ducked and kept on leafing through the pages.

His roving eyes fell on something that caught his attention. He paused, a grin tearing his face.

"Guys, you might love to hear this." Dave boomed to the rest of my friends, Sylvester, Theo, Cameron and Chris, who all perked up with interest and leaned against their lockers.

"What again?" Sylvester purred like a girl. Theo rolled his eyes at him.

"Man, you gotta stop acting like a girl." He advised Sylvester. His advice went unappreciated though, because Sylvester just huffed in annoyance.

"What is it?" Cameron asked Dave.

"Apparently, Shane has described his spec." Dave said, causing the guys to laugh. "Listen. It goes, 'girl of my dreams.'"

They kept laughing, but I didn't. This was all intimate stuff of mine, and I wanted them to remain secret and personal. "Dave, stop it."

"Man, I already wipe sixty years of your life away for keeping a diary." Chris laughed at me. "But describing the girl of your dreams in it? That's wild."

I looked at him as if he was retarded. "Did you expect me to solve algebra in my diary?" I rolled my eyes at Chris and made an attempt to grab my notebook from Dave.

Dave dodged.

" 'The girl of my dream. She must have long blond hair and striking blue eyes. She must be very curvy, very beautiful and smart.' "

"You want a sexy nerd?" Theo angled his brow up. "That's impossible, dude."

"Tamara absolutely fits your description." Cameron adviced me quite seriously. I scoffed. Tamara was far from smart.

"Well, man, there are plenty curvaceous blondes with striking blue eyes around. I hope you find the girlfriend of your dreams soon." Dave shrugged, smirking.

"I say he should go for Tamara Williams." Cameron pressed.

"I agree." Chris joined in tormenting me.

We were known as the five popular boys in Jefferson High School. As basketball players, we certainly had attention. Well, except Sylvester, who wasn't a basketball player but had interest in guitar and singing.

I like playing the guitar and singing, too.

I admit all my descriptions of my dream girl fits Tamara Williams perfectly. In fact, someone would even think I looked at her and described her. Honestly, I didn't. I didn't like her bitchy attitude at all. Plus, she lacked in the department of smartness.

I grabbed my diary from the annoying Dave and we walked away from our lockers. We made our way through the hallway, heading to our classes. As usual, people paved way for us as we came, like we were gods.

I could feel myself being eye-raped, and I cringed inside, although on the outside, I pretended like I didn't give a damn. I was used to it, somehow. My friends gloried in all the attention. I didn't really dislike the attention either, but being eye-raped was definitely not my style.

Theo paused beside a locker to speak with his girlfriend, Michal. We moved on, leaving him behind. I looked towards the entrance. People were streaming in as usual. But a particular person caught my eye.

I noticed her figure first. She was slender and tall, but not taller than I am. Her brown hair was wavy and cascading down those cute little shoulders. Brown sweater. Blue jeans. Retro-threes. Chic glasses.

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