2| Watching Kiera

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I followed my friends for lunch. Theo's mother always prepared heaps of home cooked meals for us and had them delivered to us every lunch time, because we went to her and 'wailed' about the 'disastrous' food served to us in school.
She's a renown caterer.

The girls; Veronica, Etilda, Michal and Debbie were already seated at our table, which was right in the center. They had cartons of fruit juice served by the school in front of them.

Looking at the long queue, I could bet on my life that they skipped the line.

"Heyyyyyy, Shane." Veronica said, batting her lashes at me.

I sighed internally. Here we go again, another round of annoying flirting.

"Hello, Ver." I said and took a seat beside Sylvester.

"Shane, honey, can you please drive me home after school today? I'm facing some difficulties with my car and it's at the mechanic's right now." She sounded as if she was purring. And for a genuine moment, I thought something had fallen in her eyes because she wouldn't stop blinking.

"How did you get to school then?" I asked.

"Cameron drove me."

I shrugged. "So? Let Cameron drive you back home."

Theo fished my flask from the huge lunch bag and pushed it across the table to me. He proceeded to pushing everyone's food to them.

"Mm, what do we have here?" Theo said, sniffing with pleasure. "Beef lasagna. Oh, my God."

"That's your favorite." His girlfriend, Michal, seated beside him, said.

"Comes second to you." He wriggled his brows at her.

"Aww, babe." She blushed. Then he proceeded to kiss her fully on the lips.

"Get a room!" Chris threw a cookie at Theo's head.

"Shane," Debbie called. "Remember that movie trailer I showed you on tiktok the last time? The one you said looked interesting?"

"Chicklit, right?" I said as I began eating. This food was heavenly.

"Yeah. So, it's being shown in the cinema today..." Her voice trailed off in my ears as my eyes fell on her again. The girl I saw in the morning.

Her brown sweater was gone now, revealing a cute, blue top. She held her tray, looking for a place to sit. Her eyes fell on the only empty table at the farthest end. She proceeded towards it.

That table was only occupied by the school's biggest geek, a certain black girl with glasses. I bet she didn't know it. Everyone avoided that table like a plague.

"Shane?" Debbie called me, sensing I'd zoned out on her. "Will you come with me? To watch the new movie?"

Turning my gaze back to Debbie, I tried to recollect what she was saying. What was she saying? Which new movie? Oh yeah, the new chicklit.

"Sorry, I don't think so." I lied. I just didn't want to go. "I'll be a bit busy. You know, sorting stuff with my dad and Kyle."

"Well," Debbie narrowed her eyes in suspicion at me. "Okay."

"Maybe, some other time." I offered.

"Yeah, sure."

I zoned out to watch her again as my friends began to banter and chat. I laughed softly under my breath when I saw her face contort with disgust as she took a bite of her pizza served by this school. She made an "ew" face after she swallowed. I almost burst out laughing.

Loving Kiera Where stories live. Discover now