15| My Kiera

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I stumbled backwards, chills running all over me. Camilla's earlier statement about Shane rang in my head, but looking at those intense eyes that bore right back into mine, l couldn't bring myself to agree with her that he could be lying to me right now. The truth was clear and fierce in his eyes, and it shocked me.

"W-what?" I said pathetically, my voice cracking. Maybe my hearing was impaired and I was having some sort of hallucination.

"I love you, Kiera." Shane repeated, and my already unfocused vision blurred with tears that threatened to form.


"Yes, you." Oops, I didn't know I'd said that out loud.

"But why?" My voice trembled. "Why me?"

"Why not you?"

"I suck." I shrugged helplessly. "I don't deserve you."

He looked at me with a look of absolute disbelief. "That's bull."

"Well, it's the truth." I said. "You're goddamn perfect, and I can never be in your world."

He was the popular heartthrob everyone loved, and I was the hated friend of the bullied. The car he drove alone was enough to make anyone know the kind of life he lived, and he couldn't get any girl to fall in love with but me?

"Don't go Geographic on me, Kiera. No one is talking about worlds right now."

I gave another slow blink at him. "You don't get it, do you?" I couldn't recognize the voice I spoke with as mine. "What will people think when they see us together?"

"You think I care about that?" He shook his head amusedly, but there was nothing amusing about what was happening right now, and he knew it. "I don't care what the hell anyone is going to say. It'll all be irrelevant, as long as I have you."

But, what's so nice about me? I wondered, but didn't ask him. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I'd never been paid attention in a good way, and suddenly here I am, with one breath-takingly beautiful boy telling me rawly how much he loves me.

Things were moving too fast for me to even comprehend or try to apply my common sense. I was threading slowly here, while he was moving fast, so fast that I couldn't even catch my breath.

He stepped closer towards me, his fingers grazing my ear softly as he pushed my hair back from my face. "Kiera, please." He took my hand, placed it on his hard chest. "I want you so much, it physically hurts."

I wanted to snag my hand away, but feeling his heartbeat against my palm and seeing the sadness in his eyes, my movements stilled.

No one has ever looked at me with such longing before.

"Just give me a chance to love you." He whispered. "Want me to beg? Fine, I'll beg. Please, please, please. I'm begging you to be my girlfriend."

"This is too much, Shane." I raised my hand to my forehead to soothe the low pounding that has began in my head.

"You can think about it." He stepped back a bit to give me some space. I sucked in air greedily, realizing I'd been holding my breath all this while.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I need to think about it." Lord knows there were many points to consider.

"Just say yes in the end, else I won't stop pursuing you."

I bit my lip at that. I don't know if he knew how hot he sounded right now.

"I'll think about it."

"Thanks, Kiera." He gave a breath of relief, his tensed posture immediately relaxing. "You have no idea how much this means to me, how much you mean to me."

Loving Kiera Where stories live. Discover now