13| Ruthless

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"It's okay," she said then. "We can leave if you want to."
She stood up also, ready to leave, but I remembered that I was being selfish.

I was depriving Cammilla because of my own burdens. I reminded myself that Shane was Cammilla's object of fantasy also, and if she wanted to watch him, so be it.

"No," I said, mustering a smile. "Let's watch them practice."

"Wow, thanks!" She squeaked, eyes shining with gratitude as we sank back into our seats.

Now, the boys were running around the field, and Shane ran with an unbelievable speed that made my jaw hang open in shock.

He could ran like a possessed person.

He was the first to finish, and Cammilla and I were drooling over him. Panting for air, he shoved his hands in his hair and gripped it, and Cammilla looked like her world might stop.

He was goddamn sexy, especially with his sweat plastering his jersey to his body to reveal those muscles.

"Isn't he the hottest thing ever?" Uncontrolled excitement shining through her eyes, Cammilla turned to look at me.

The hottest dude you've ever met.

I squeezed it out of my mind and nodded in response to Cammilla's question. "He sure is."

"If only he wasn't such a player." She sighed dejectedly.

"He is?" My interest suddenly piqued, I turned to face her fully. "Tell me more."

"Well, all of them are heartbreakers." She said. "They toy with girls and change them as soon as they're bored."

I paused to think. "So, if the girls know this, why do they keep allowing themselves to be played?"

She shrugged. "These guys are charming and just...irresistible. I can't blame those girls. I would fall too if Shane showed the tiniest affection towards me."

I bit my lip in silence, but I somehow agreed with her.

For the rest of the time as the rest of the boys finished the laps, Cammilla and I spent it in silence ogling Shane.

"You know, I've never witnessed a basketball match between Jefferson and any other school before." She later said as the boys came into position and started playing. "I know that Shane is a basketball devil, and I've watched him on screen before, but I've never physically seen him play."

"Is that why you wanted us to watch them practice?" I wondered out loud.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I can never go out in public for events, so just watching them practice for the first time today means a lot to me."

"I see." I nodded, totally getting her. I was glad I stayed.

Shane played perfectly, looking effortless yet energetic at the same time. I wondered how that was even possible. Could he be any less perfect?

He never missed a single shot.

Cammilla and I watched with great pleasure at the skillful players played, and I actually enjoyed it,an achievement for me, since I wasn't a fan of sports.

Cammilla told me right after practice that her mom had called her to pick up her little brother, so she hurried off before I even had a chance to say that she should wait for me, I was also coming. She took off in a sprint, leaving me angry, scared and frustrated at the same time.

Now, I was all alone there, by myself, surrounded by those basketball players and their hot girlfriends.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, readjusted my glasses and walked away.

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