5| Promises

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I stared at my laptop, all spaces on my contact list blank.

Louisa wasn't on Skype, neither was my dad. So, instead of skyping with my friends back in Cali like I'd told Shane, here I was, staring at my laptop, blinking unusually slowly.

I suck.

Of course, the moment he pulled in our driveway, I didn't want to go inside. I wanted to be with him, even if no words would be said between us. I just needed his presence. It was more comforting than entering our new home, which was empty by the way.

Would I feel lonely? He'd asked. Of course, I would. I had no one, except my dad, who was supposedly busy at work. I had only Shane, and I didn't even know if we were friends or not. All I knew was that he had eyes that I felt could stare right into my soul, and he reached out to me in the hallway on my first day at Jefferson High.

We seemed to be getting along well, I guess, but didn't that change when I told him I had a boyfriend?

There was no emotion whatsoever on his face, he seemed absolutely cool, but I sensed something off. I don't know why, and I'm still wondering wh as I sat staring at my laptop.

Was he no longer interested in talking to me? If I calculated things carefully, he literally asked me out of his car...right?

Maybe he had something to do, and I was just being overdramatic, I tried convincing myself, but I still felt uneasy.

He was a stranger, and I had the right to keep some personal stuff about myself to myself, but my stomach churned with disgust at myself the moment all those lies slipped from my tongue.

The lies about my mother...

That woman wasn't in Germany. Heck, I didn't even know where she was. She just abandoned dad and I when I was ten and reaching a stage when I needed her the most. I hated her.

The lies about my friends back in Cali? Ha. That was dumb as hell. I had only one bestfriend, and that was all.

And the boyfriend part?

I added it because I felt I sounded so pathetic. I didn't want to appear as this lonely nerd who had no friends and no one to talk to. I felt adding the "I have a boyfriend" part would help things in my favor.

Even though Shane was all cool and unsuspecting, I felt very awful that I lied to him, especially about my mother.

Then I remembered there's a way to clear this off my chest. I picked up my phone and went through my contacts which weren't many (my dad, Louisa and him). It was easy to spot his contact, even though he didn't save it as Shane.

The hottest dude you've ever met.

Jeez, ego! I laughed a bit, then tried to backspace and simply save it as Shane. But on the other hand, it was true. He was absolutely the hottest dude I've ever met, and he knew it.

That was crazy.

I called him,and I waited anxiously as it rang. He didn't pick up.

It's okay, Ki. Maybe he's busy, I told myself. If he sees my missed call, he would call back.

But minutes passed, making me impatient. I had to try again. My heart sank when he didn't pick up.


I tried again, but his phone was off.

Tears pricked at my eyes, threatening to fall, at the realization that he was intentionally ignoring me. I dropped my phone, eyes glazed over with tears.

What did you expect? A nasty voice in my head sneered at me.

I thought I had a new friend. But like always, he also left me. I'll never be good enough for anyone to want to associate with me. I would always be an outcast.

I had no idea why no one stayed around me long enough, except my dad and Louisa. Even my own mother left. I don't know what is so wrong with me. Everyone has faults, yet, everyone had somebody. So why me?

"You're strong." My dad's soothing voice came to me as an echo in my ears. He said I am strong.

Am I?

Will I always sit and cry whenever people walked away from me? If I would, I mused, then I would have no tears left to cry. You know why? Because people are always going to walk away, no matter what they say, no matter their promises. They'll go, leaving you lonely and broken.


I closed my laptop and curled up in my bed, even though I'd not had a thing for dinner. I didn't even feel hungry anymore.

I thought I had one person in that big school that I could approach. We laughed together, didn't we? So, why has he abandoned me?

I had no idea how long I lay curled up in my bed, my pillow clutched tightly to my chest and my vision blurred with tears.

But I do know that at some point I fell asleep, and I heard the dull sound of footsteps as my dad came home later and into my room to find me asleep. His hand hovered over my hair for a while, and in that same, dim corner of my mind, I heard him muttering goodnight to me.


I escaped to school the next day.

I know I sound weird, so, let me put it this way: I escaped from my father to school the next day.

I think he noticed I cried last night, and he kept asking me what it was, who hurt me? I should just give him the name and he would beat the bastard to death by himself.

I denied with all my might and ran away as soon as he parked at Jefferson.

I clutched my backpack tightly and hurried down the hallway to my locker, hoping my very best I was being unnoticeable. I blended though, with my gray, jean overalls and green sweater underneath. My hair was pinned back in a tight ponytail. Glasses label a person, kinda, but at least, that was a bit okay, considering I didn't wear those rimmed "nerdy" glasses.

I was walking without any distraction to my locker, well, until I heard the voices. I turned my head in the direction of the voices, and I was overwhelmed with what I saw.

Like half the population of students were gathered around someone, and everyone spoke at the same time, which was so weird and confusing.

My footsteps led me to the crowd, my curios mind wondering what was going on.

What I saw chilled my blood.


Am I the only one feeling sad for Kiera? (Wipes tears)

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Ann out ;)

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