10| Same old

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"Heyyy Ki!" Louisa shouted excitedly right after she picked up.

After moping around the house for a while even as I bawled my eyes out, I thought of calling my bestfriend back in California, and she answered with an excited shout of my name.

"Jeez, Louisa, you're still as loud as ever." I replied with an eyeroll, even though I couldn't see her.

"I miss you too, babe." She said sarcastically, making me laugh. She was still as snotty as ever. "Let's facetime. Come on."

"No, Louisa, I can't right now-" the line went dead in my hands before I could protest.

How could I facetime with my puffy eyes which were the results of me crying my eyes out for hours? No, Louisa didn't have to see me this way at all. It would be a disaster if-

I couldn't even finish my thoughts as my phone rang, Louisa calling me on facetime. I hurriedly put on my glasses to hide my hideous eyes a bit and finally picked up, sitting back on my bed.

"Hello there, gorgeous." She greeted me with a warm smile that made me feel all warm and cared about. She was always going to be my bestfriend.

"Hey, beautiful." I replied with a smile of my own. "You look great." And she did. She looked great in her new hairstyle: a stylish bob that revealed her slender neck. Like me, Louisa wore glasses, and bright blue eyes blinked at me behind them.

"Thank you." She said. "You don't look so bad either. Hey, I like your bedroom. It looks so cozy. I'm proud of you. "

"Sure." I chuckled. I'd listened to her advice to add more colors and pretty things in my space. "So, what's up? How's Cali?"

"Same old, same old." She answered with a shrug. "Joycelyn bought a new car, Brenda has a new hairstyle now, all blond curls, and Kali moved to New Jersey." She tried to fill me in with the little details, and I must admit they were same old, same old. Joycelyn always bought a new car, Brenda dyed her hair every two weeks, and Kali...

Well, we always knew she'd move, sooner or later.

And it wasn't as if any of those were my business anyway. They were never my friends.

The only person in that big high school who treated me like a fellow human being was Louisa, apart from the teachers, of course. It's funny how you could be hated on for simply being smart.

"Same old indeed." I clucked my tongue.

"I tried to tell ya." She sang.

"What's up with you?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just that I miss you more than anything, and I'm well...lonely, and I can't stop thinking about you." I felt tears prick at my eyes at her words and blinked them back. "I decided to muster the courage and chop off my hair the next day right after you left. And now I'm absolutely in love with it. I like it better this way."

"It suits you." I smiled at her. "You look amazing."

"Wish I could say the same about you." I winced, and she bit her lip. "You can't hide behind those glasses, Ki, at least not from me. You don't look so good. What's up?"

"M-me? Oh, nothing. Nothing at all." I denied quickly, but she just glared at me.

"Kiera, what the hell is going on over there?" She asked sternly. "Aren't you happy? Do you have any new friend? What's up?"

I paused. I wasn't really opening up to my dad, nor Cammilla. Now, Louisa was the only person I had left. At least, I could tell her.

So, I explained my first day at Jefferson High, how I met Cammilla, then Shane. When Shane walked me to class, and we talked in his car after he gave me a ride home. How I thought we were friends, but he simply ignored my existence the next day. All along, she listened intently, making the necessary sounds.

"I know I sound silly," I said sheepishly, "but I'm not lying if I say I'm hurt."

"No, you don't sound silly at all." She shook her head vehemently. "But I really think you shouldn't jump to conclusions. And I'm not invalidating your feelings in any way, but look at it this way, there might be several reasons why he couldn't pick up his phone that evening. We don't know what exactly happened-"


"Shut up, I'm talking." She cut me off mildly. I pursed my lips in compliance. "Look, just allow him to explain whatever his reasons were, even if he might be lying. But just know that there's a small chance that his intentions were good. Do you get me? He sounds like a nice guy."

"Of course, ma'am." I nodded in mock formality, and she grinned.

We spent time talking about Cammilla and myself, us being bullied in school, and Louisa, being the practical person that she was, tried to give some advice. Like staying tough through it all. Or simply ignoring them till they were fed up.

"Okay, I gotta go." She said at last. "I'll facetime you some other time. I'm still not on Skype, by the way."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure. Enjoy your life babe. I love you."

She pretended to sound extremely flattered that she held her chest and gasped. "Goodness!" Eyes wide, she said, "I also love you, more than you could ever know."

I laughed. "All right, you weirdo. Catch you later."

"Sure babe. Bye."

The call ended, and I stared at the screen for a little while, a smile on my face. Louisa was that kind of person. She was able to leave me smiling, no matter what.

*** a very short chapter, forgive me. I'll make it up to you.

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Ann out. ;)

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