14| Experiment

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I heaved a sigh. "Seriously, I need to hurry-"

"One last chance." His eyes narrowed at me, making the blue in them even more popping yet dangerous. "Do you have a boyfriend?"


He let out a sexy smirk, and I could detect the hint of mischief in his eyes as the gears in his head turned. I spoke up quickly. "Can I go now?"

He shook his head slowly. "No," he said. "We might conduct a little experiment. You and I. Right here."


Again, my backpack slipped from my grip and unto the floor as Shane enclosed my body with his, backing me against the wall.

"Which- which experiment?" I stuttered, out of breath.

"You'll see," was all he said as he bent his head and kissed my neck. I clenched my fists and closed my eyes. The feeling was so powerful that I couldn't help but shiver. When I squirmed, his hand shot up to my neck and held me in place. 

At this point, I could feel his tongue over my skin, and goosebumps erupted all over my body. I bit my lips so hard I could shame a lioness.

"You can scream if you want to," he murmured in my ears, sensing me holding back. "Because I have every intention of reducing you to a moaning mess."


He wouldn't even allow me to talk, to clear myself, or even at least, to brace myself. His lips were on mine in a heartbeat, and I was shaking, so new and so surprised to feel these numerous but foreign sensations coursing through me.

I have never been kissed before, and I certainly didn't picture my first kiss to be as ruthless as this. Yeah, the guy definitely had every intention of bringing me to my knees, and I couldn't have held back even if I tried.

I was trembling as his hands sneaked under my shirt and brushed over my bare flesh. Hard palms glided gently over my skin, and the pleasure was sharp, shocking and well, beautiful.

My first time being touched, and it was happening in the empty hallway of my new school, by the beautiful boy who was said to be a player.

We didn't even know each other much, and although I was attracted to him, I don't know if it's natural for things to escalate this quickly. But at this point, I didn't even care. I shoved my common sense that jolted alarm signs in my head to the back of my brain and allowed myself to dwell on his touch and his taste.

I felt so reckless and alive.

What scared me a little was the reckless part. I knew it could land me in trouble.

Through it all, Shane never allowed me to touch him. My arms were torurously stretched above my head, and he gripped my wrists, securing them in place. Moans escaped from my lips even though I tried hard to hold them in. My body craved for more, but my mind wanted him to stop, at the same damn time.

Slowly, he sucked on my bottom lip, and my head lolled back. I was itching to touch him, and my body twisted as pleasure stabbed me countless times, over and over and over again.

"Kiera." He breathed my name in my ear, giving it a light bite in the process, and a shudder coursed through me. "Do you have a boyfriend?" His voice was impossibly deep and husky now, making my knees weaker.

I couldn't form a sensible word as he watched me carefully. I only focused on getting enough oxygen into my body, because if he kissed me again right now, I might pass out from being unable to breathe.

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