4| Ignoring Kiera

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This had to be some sort of a nightmare. She had a boyfriend? Why hadn't I even thought of that earlier as well? I could be so dumb at times.

Of course, she has a perfect boyfriend back in Cali, and they were doing the long distance thing. Who wouldn't wanna date her? She screamed absolute perfection.

"Wow..." I breathed. "That's nice." Not. I couldn't recognize my own voice. I had no idea the force behind her words hit me to that extent. "If you have a boyfriend, then why are you still here talking to me?" I asked. "You must be impatient to talk to him."

"Sure...yeah." She answered quietly. "I gotta go, right?"

I blinked once, twice. I wanted to place my palm on the side of her face and run my thumb over her cheekbone, but I ordered myself to keep my hands and my foolishness to myself. She's taken. Right.

She's already taken.

Fuck, I needed to get away from her. I had trouble breathing. I couldn't believe nor bring myself to accept she's already someone else's. "I gotta go." They slipped out of my mouth even without me thinking. I revved the engine back to life before she could even unbuckle.

"Oh, sorry." She apologized. "I'll see you tomorrow, I guess?" Her eyes were wide and hesitant, uncertain. I reached for her iPhone, exited her GPS and saved my contact on it. I saved hers on mine as well.

"Yeah, I'll see you." I forced a smile. "Enjoy the rest of your day."

She smiled, and despite myself, I marveled at her dimples. She unbuckled and got out of my car. "You too, Shane. Thank you so much for the ride." She said and walked away.

I drove off.


I stared at my iPhone as it rang. I stared at the caller ID while it rang. I ignored it. Debbie rang again. And again. And again. I still didn't pick up. I thought I made it clear to her that I wasn't going to watch the movie with her?

I sucked in a breath of annoyance when it rang again. But this time around, it wasn't Deborah who was calling. It was Kiera. I felt a pang in my heart, shut my eyes close and ignored it.

It rang again. Kiera.

My breathing became uneasy and laced with frustration. I wanted to pick the damn phone and talk to her, but I just couldn't. After the second ring, I reached over for my phone and switched it off, tossing it aside.

Never had I been so sapped and frustrated in my entire life like right now.

I was heartbroken. My heart was shattered to pieces. I could've laughed at myself, considering how ridiculous all this was. I met a girl, I liked her, I offered her a ride home. We talk a bit, I find out she has a boyfriend, and my heart is torn apart piece after piece. We have not been in a relationship, I've not touched her in anyway. Yet, I just fell for her and got my heart broken by her all on the very first day I met her.

Too ridiculous.

Have you ever felt tired but restless at the same damn time? You know, the times you feel you need to do something, anything, but you just don't have the strength to? That was what I was experiencing.

I picked up my laptop and went through my emails. Nothing interested me. Nothing could interest me at all at that particular moment. Frustrated, I shut down my laptop and threw myself on the bed. I would lie here idle, even if it killed me. Maybe if I lied here for a while and kept ignoring the pounding in my chest, I could fall asleep...

"Dad's in, Shane." Kyle burst into my room.

Kyle is my younger brother, fifteen. I was two years older than him. And my dad? We always clashed because we had so many differences. For example, he didn't approve of me playing basketball or playing the guitar or singing. He wanted me to take over one of his numerous companies.

My mother always had my back though.

It has always been my dream to join the NBA, but I don't think that dream can ever come to pass as long as my father lived.

Dad's in. Which meant, I had to throw a shirt on me and walk my tired and frustrated ass to his study and tell him what I've been up to, as if I had to give a report of my life.

He wasn't your kind of daddy dearest who always stayed around the house. He wasn't a bad guy either. He just wanted to succeed in bending me to his rules.

My dad was the CEO of Davis Automobiles, and for this reason, he was all over the world, traveling places far and near for business deals. Maybe, I might take over someday.

"How're you, son?" He asked right after I took a seat before him in his study. As usual, he was holding a mug of steaming coffee and reading the business section of the Newspaper.

He looked strong and fit for his age (late forties), and his hair was still perfectly black with no speck of gray. He pushed his glasses a bit to focus on me as I gave my response.

"Just fine, dad." My words were slurred and tired. Right now, I didn't feel like having this little chit chat with him. I still wanted to mope around in my room and feel sorry for myself.

"You don't look so good." He observed.

"I'm just a little stressed."

"Quit basketball, and you'll be free."

"I had no practice today, dad. I'm just feeling a little stressed."

This man, aka my father, always seized the opportunity to remind me that basketball was "risky" and "no good" for my health and wellbeing.

Which was bull, if you ask me.

"Stressed? Why?"

The girl I like has a boyfriend already, and I'm heartbroken. You don't expect me to tell him that, do you?

"Just normal stuff." I shrugged. He let it go, to my relief.

"Okay. So what have you been up to?" He leaned back in his swivel chair, crossing his fingers.

"The usual. Studies, practice, music."

He frowned at my response. Two out of the three activities mentioned above disgusted him. But he bit his tongue; for now. Some other time, he would pour his distasteful opinions on me.

"Okay. But you know what, Shane?" He sighed, and a bored expression remained on my face as I waited for his next words which I knew exactly as if I had memorized them.

"...I want better for you, and I want you to want better for yourself..."

This time around, those words didn't come to me, because his phone rang, and he motioned with his hand for me to leave as he answered.

I gladly did.

***more peek into Shane's life.
Next chapter will be up soon. Kindly vote and leave your thoughts :)

See you next chapter.
Ann out.

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