Chapter 5

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The first thing on the agenda provided by her new bodyguard was to call the police, something Megan was not looking forward to.

She could still remember the look on the faces of the two officers who had taken her initial statement when this mess had just started. The barely concealed judgment at Megan's predicament was so obvious in their half-hidden sneers disguised as polite smiles.

She could almost hear the thoughts running through their minds; sick, rich bitch.

For them, she was just that, a deviant who got her rocks off by whipping other people into submission.

But, the reasonable part of her brain, the one that would always be lawyer-wired, knew that the best and most legal course of action would be to make a chain of evidence in case something more drastic than a hanged, blow-up doll occurred.

So, Megan called them, and they came, thankfully not the same ones as the last time, but a pair of female officers who were much more professional than their colleagues.

She gave them all of the letters and then took them to the garage. They took photos of the scene and collected the evidence to take to the station for processing before taking Megan's statement.

"How long have you been in a relationship with this person? Mr. Ashton Logan?" the older of the pair asked while the other one took the evidence bags to their car.

"About a month, maybe a bit longer," Megan said while taking the kettle and pouring the hot water over the teabag in the green mug that was her favorite.

"And what was the nature of this relationship?"

Megan placed a mug on the coffee table in front of her before taking a seat at the armchair and taking a sip of her tea, burning her tongue in the process.

"Hot..." she mumbled, her eyes watering and face flushing, especially once she noticed Niklas standing near the window behind the officer, watching her. His face was as smooth as stone, expressionless, but his eyes, his eyes were clearly laughing at Megan's clumsiness.

And just like that, she was angry; hot boiling anger coursing through her veins, unlike anything Megan had experienced before until she was clutching the mug so tightly that she was surprised it didn't burst from the force of it. Nik was laughing at her. Megan knew that he was, and for some unknown reason, it irked her.

"Ms. Jones?" she heard the officer's voice, making her blink as the rage dissipated as quickly as it had appeared.

Nik was still looking at her, one puzzled brow now hitched up in question.

Megan averted her eyes quickly, feeling confused and agitated under the man's unrelenting gaze, as she tried to remember what the question had been.

"We were in a consensual dominant/submissive relationship."

"And what does that mean?" The officer asked without looking up, her hand scribbling furiously at the big notepad in front of her.

Megan took another sip of her tea, slowly, this time since her tongue still smarted from the burn, as beads of sweat started collecting at the back of her neck.

What's wrong with me?

She thought, feeling completely out of sorts as the urge to snap at Niklas grew stronger.

Why does he keep staring at me?

She took a big breath to calm herself, feeling ridiculous for losing control so completely. She was the master of control, a Dominatrix, so this kind of behavior was an embarrassment.

"I was the Dominant in the relationship, and Ashton was the Submissive. There are various types of these relationships in the BDSM world, from occasional ventures to 24/7 things.

I am of the bedroom-only type, which means that I only practice BDSM in the confines of my bedroom or a kink club when the urge strikes."

The questions continued for half an hour more, ranging from when Megan had started to practice BDSM to everything related to Ashton and her relationship until she started to feel like a bug under a microscope.

When the officer interviewing her declared that she had everything she needed, it was the best moment of that horrible day. She couldn't wait to have them out of her house, feeling unable to breathe with their constant questions and invasion of privacy, and making her more uncomfortable than Megan could ever remember being.

But in all her haste to get rid of the nosy officers, she had completely forgotten that there was one other person there, one that wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Megan sighed as she closed the door behind the two women, closing her eyes for a moment to compose herself long enough to show Niklas the room that would be his for the duration of his stay. After that, Megan consoled herself; she would crawl into her bed and sleep the rest of the day off.

Encouraged by the plan, Megan returned to the living room, finding Niklas exactly where she had left him, standing next to the window. Back straight, hands behind his back, legs slightly apart as if he was waiting for a general to give him orders, and not standing in the middle of Megan's living room.

He was looking through the window instead of at her for a change, something Megan felt eternally grateful for since something about the man's eyes made her uncomfortable.

"Do you want to see your room?" Megan asked while collecting the empty cups of tea and bringing them to the kitchen sink.

I will need to wash that.

She thought absently, unable to remember the last time she had washed the dishes. She was already thinking about calling her housekeeper to come back since she hated doing that, but dismissed the thought almost instantly. The poor woman had been so shaken up by that wretched doll; she deserved a one-year vacation, not just a measly one week.


There was suddenly a voice much closer than she expected, making her jump in fright. She turned around, clutching her rapidly beating heart, to find Niklas standing so close that she could practically smell his aftershave.

Damn, he's quiet!

Megan thought while taking a step back, only to hit her head on the kitchen counter.

"Shit." she let out a curse, clutching her throbbing head.

"Are you okay?" Nik asked as he came closer, his face losing its calm composure for just a second and his hand raising up as if wanting to touch her before it fell down, and the man stepped away, the mask firmly back in place.

"I'm okay. Just a bump."

Nik nodded but still continued to watch her closely for a second as if wanting to make sure that Megan wasn't about to faint or something before he stepped further away and motioned for Megan to guide him toward his new room.

They climbed up the stairs to the second floor, where the guest room Megan had managed to make presentable was located. The room was spacious and airy, with two big windows letting the light in, which Megan suspected Nik would like judging by the amount of time the man had spent glued to the one in the living room.

There was a four-poster bed in the middle of it with lush green beddings and a thousand pillows of various colors, and just the sight of it reminded Megan of how exhausted she was.

"The bathroom's across the hall, and next to it is my room. Make yourself at home; you know where the kitchen is if you're hungry. I'm sorry, but since my housekeeper is away at the moment, you'll need to make your own meal, or we can order in later."

Nik nodded again and stepped in before making his way to one of the windows, and wasn't that a surprise, so Megan let him be and made her way to her own room, falling face-first into bed as soon as she got there. 

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