Chapter 8

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"Scheiße..." Nik murmured, unable to look away, the look on Megan's face as she reached the end, making something deep inside of him roar in approval.

The woman was mesmerizing; her head thrown back in pleasure, her lips pulled up in an uncontrolled smile, and her eyes, goddamn, her eyes were so alive.

For the first time since Nik met her, he could see something in them other than worry or fear. She was fucking beautiful.

How had I missed it?

Nik finally averted his eyes, turning away from the sight of Megan putting her clothes on, trying and failing to not think about the hardness that was insistently pressing against the zip of his pants.

Megan was his boss; he kept repeating in his mind like a mantra in an effort to come back to his senses, but it was futile.

Nik only had to close his eyes, and Megan was there, naked and willing, that mouth of hers smirking at Nik in invitation.

Fuck ethics, I need a drink.

Nik thought as he made his way through the crowd toward the bar.

Megan shook, making her way off the stage, barely managing not to fall on her face as she tightened her grip on the girl who was unable to walk without assistance.

What in the fucking hell was that!?

She had never had an orgasm like that. It was indescribably intense, so much so that Megan was barely able to stay upright even now.

The only thing that had kept her from falling was the fact that she had been on stage in front of the whole Club, and if she had done that, she would never be able to live it down.

She entered the resting room and walked over to the couch, laying Mikela down gently, careful of her neck since she was still a bit out of it, something she was grateful for since she was a bit out of it herself, and this way she would have enough time to get back in control by the time Mikela came around.

Megan went to the bathroom, closing the door softly before turning around to see someone she could barely recognize staring back at her from the mirror.

Her face was flushed, her eyes wide and glassy, and her skin was glistening from sweat.

As soon as she was alone, Megan gave up the pretense and slid down to the floor, her hands shaking as she pressed her face into them.

The scene from barely minutes ago kept flashing in her mind, those blue eyes the only thing she could think about, even then.

What's happening to me?

She couldn't understand, as she kept going over the last half an hour of her life.

The scene had been all right; she chose to do something easy and fun, seeing as she wasn't really up for anything too strenuous after the week she had had.

It ended up being a good choice, and she had been enjoying herself, nothing special, but still good enough.

It looked like it was going to be just a simple play with an average ending, and then she made the mistake of looking up.

She looked up and saw him, Niklas, standing there like a statue, his gaze hard and intense, as if Megan was the only one in the room who mattered, and for some reason, just that thought had her coming harder than she could ever remember coming.

Megan closed her eyes and took a big breath, trying and failing to ignore the fact that she was once again starting to go wet just at the memory of that look.

Tired. I'm just tired, that's all.

She thought as she made herself stand up and exit the bathroom.

"Have you seen my bodyguard?" Megan asked a waitress who was passing by on her way to the bathroom.

She had just escorted Mikela to her Uber and was more than ready to head home herself, but Niklas was nowhere to be found, making her slightly worried about the man when she couldn't see him.

Was his leg hurting him?

Megan didn't know much about amputees, but surely standing around in a crowded club, constantly being jerked around, wasn't their idea of a relaxing evening. Maybe it was a bad idea to make Nik come with her; after all, it was Megan's club; she was safe there.

When the waitress shook her head 'no', Megan frowned before making her way through the crowd, her thoughts once again on Niklas.

She was seriously starting to worry, numerous fatal fantasies, all with Niklas at the forefront, flying through her mind the longer she searched when she stopped dead in her tracks.

Her mind stuttered and then went blank at the sight of Nik sitting in the corner booth with Amanda, one of the club's waitresses, in his lap. They were kissing; well, kissing was too innocent of a word to describe it since Niklas was in the process of devouring Amanda's mouth.

His hands were on the girl's ass, each cheek in a tight grip as Nik helped her move slowly up and down, up and down, making the young woman moan out loud.

The sound was enough to snap Megan out of her trans, and suddenly, she was angry. No, actually, she was absolutely furious, and the worst thing was, she had no idea as to why.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I would like to go home," Megan growled lowly through her clenched teeth, barely able to recognize her own voice.

At the sound of it, Amanda jumped up to her feet as if burned, her cute, freckled face flushing bright red in embarrassment at being caught making out during work hours.

She mumbled an apology before highlighting out of there, not even sparing a glance toward the man that she had been playing tonsils hokey with barely a moment before.

Niklas, though, remained sitting, completely calm and collected, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, his eyes observing Megan with an eyebrow raised.

Megan felt herself flushing under the gaze, suddenly feeling stupid about her reaction, but the anger was still present, and just the thought of why it was there in the first place renewed it.

"Well? Are you coming, or are you staying?" Megan asked, not even bothering to wait for the man's answer before turning around and making her way through the crowd.

She was already in her car when she saw Nik coming out of the club, his limp more pronounced than she had ever seen it, as he slowly walked toward her.

She felt guilty at the sight of it but said nothing as the man climbed into the car and just stepped on the gas pedal as soon as he closed the door, desperate to go home.

The ride home was a tense affair, to say the least, Megan's mind going a mile a minute. She felt confused and out of sorts, something she wasn't used to since being in control was such a vital part of her life.

After the most awkward sixty minutes of her life, they arrived home, and Megan got out of the car as fast as she could, desperate to get away from Nik.

"Good night, Ms. Jones." a sarcastic voice reached her ears before she could reach the house, the words spoken quietly and probably not intended to reach her. She stopped in her tracks, the anger that had all but evaporated during the drive coming back in full force.

"I don't know how you are used to conducting your business, but if you are planning on working for me, then I expect you to act like an adult. Drinking and dry humping are not on my list of business-appropriate behavior. You can do whatever the hell you want in your free time, but while you are on the clock, I expect you to do what I'm paying you to. Good night, Mr. Krüger." Megan growled before turning away and walking into the house, the door slamming behind her like thunder. 

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