dearest gentle reader, PROLOGUE

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"Dearest Gentle Readers,

As the grandeur of another season unfolds, a matter of great importance lingers in the minds of all who grace our esteemed society. Despite the passing of time, Their Majesties, Queen Charlotte and King, have yet to be blessed with an heir.

Speculations swirl like autumn leaves in the wind, from whispered conversations in the hallowed halls of the ton to the bustling streets beyond. Some attribute it to the whims of fate, while others suspect shadows lurking in the corners of the palace.

The anticipation for an heir grows with each passing day, casting a veil of uncertainty over our illustrious society. As we await the resolution of this royal enigma, let us not forget the delicate balance of power that hangs in the balance.

Yours in anticipation,

Lady Whistledown"

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