diamond of the season, 2

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"DEAREST GENTLE READER, There is nothing quite like the sweet-scented smell of success. But after taking in the scene from last night's festivities, it is clear the season won't be quite so fragrant for everyone. The Viscount Bridgerton's own mama may have loudly declared her eldest son's lofty intentions to marry, yet I cannot be the only one wondering if this former Capital-R-Rake is, indeed, ready to flourish. Perhaps the viscount, like the rest of us, is simply waiting for the queen to finally name her diamond. Or perhaps this author should take matters into her own hands.

   But lo and behold, amidst the glittering throng of society's elite, whispers abound of a most unexpected turn of events. Princess Aphrodite, known for her graceful reserve and aversion to public courtship, was sighted twirling upon the dance floor in the arms of none other than Benedict Bridgerton himself. A curious spectacle indeed, for the princess has long shunned such public displays.

   Could this be a subtle hint of her readiness to entertain suitors and embrace the responsibilities of her station? It seems the queen's naming of her diamond is not the only eagerly anticipated event of the season. Will Princess Aphrodite finally open the doors to courtship and invite others to seek her favor? Only time will reveal the true intentions behind this enchanting duet."

   Aphrodite sat in the castle's library, poring over every inch of the paper, reading it repeatedly. There was no denying the slight twitch in her eye with each passing second. Her? To be courted? To be seen as someone worthy of courtship, when it wasn't something she had ever planned? All because she had momentarily let down her walls.

   She closed the miniature paper, handing it to her nearby maiden. "Dispose of it," she commanded in an almost brutal voice, prompting the woman to swiftly rush out of the room to discard the paper. Aphrodite didn't harbor any dislike toward Lady Whistledown; in fact, she had found herself amused by her writings on multiple occasions. Watching others squirm at the thought of being featured in the papers was an entertainment in itself. However, it wasn't until her own name was brought up that she found herself harboring more ill will toward the woman behind the quill than she should have.

Off the woman went, strolling throughout the castle once again to find her mother. "Mama!" she called out, catching the attention of the surrounding workers.

   "I assume you've gotten hold of Lady Whistledown's papers," Charlotte said, not making much eye contact with her daughter.

   "It's preposterous," Aphrodite explained, her frustration evident.

   "In what way is it? 'Tis good to spread the word," her mother replied casually. Aphrodite went to respond, only to stall at her mother's words.

   "What word? There's no word, mother. I am not to be married or looking to marry," Aphrodite declared firmly.

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