our home, 6

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OUR HOME, 6.            

"i should be at home in peace,
but here i am on short notice."


            APHRODITE EXHALED SOFTLY, cradling her stomach delicately as the maidens assisted with her attire. "Do you think it's too casual? Perhaps too formal?" she queried, scrutinizing her dress.

   "You look splendid, Princess Aphrodite," the maiden reassured calmly, prompting Aphrodite to turn towards her.

   "Honestly, Anne," she interjected firmly.

   "My dear, you look exquisite, as always. No need to worry," the maiden replied earnestly.

   Aphrodite nodded and sighed, gently exhaling before she closed her eyes. "Forgive me, Anne. I am simply feeling nervous... It must be the nerves," she confessed, her gaze shifting to her light green, exquisitely designed dress. The maiden smiled serenely, her reassurance unwavering as she observed Aphrodite. "Do I appear as though I am seeking courtship?"

   "I would not know, your highness. I've never seen such a look on you," Anne replied calmly, adjusting the dress with practiced hands. Aphrodite glanced at the maiden before a laugh bubbled up, contagious enough to elicit a smile from Anne as well.

    The laughter between the two finally subsided, and Anne regarded Aphrodite with earnestness. "I do know that you are quite stunning. Whatever your plans may be with the prince, I daresay he'd find you agreeable," she affirmed warmly.

   The princess smiled at her through the mirror before she turned her head at the sound of her door opening. "Your Highness, Princess Edward has arrived," announced the attendant respectfully. The princess finally cleared her throat, readying herself before the maidens finally let her go, allowing her to exit the room.

   As they walked through the corridors, she practiced breathing as though she'd forgotten how. She followed behind the staff, moving calmly to the drawing room. Aphrodite steadied herself as the doors were opened before her, revealing her mother, the prince, and the king of Saxony.

"Princess Aphrodite," her mother addressed, extending her hand for Aphrodite to join her side swiftly. With a smile from her mother, Aphrodite hesitantly mirrored the expression, a rarity for her usual countenance. "This is my daughter, Princess Aphrodite," her mother introduced proudly.

"Princess Aphrodite, I've heard many commendable things about you. It is with my deepest apologies that the queen could not make it," greeted the King with formal courtesy and a warm smile.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness. It is an honor to meet you—there's no need to apologize," Aphrodite responded, her voice steady despite her nerves. Beside the King stood a handsome young man, recognized as the prince. He approached with a composed demeanor and a fleeting smile before introducing himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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