the heir is dead, 5

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THE HEIR IS DEAD, 5.            



            LYDIA STARED AT APHRODITE, WHO'D SAT AT THE TABLE STRUGGLING TO STOP HER LAUGHTER, she looked the utmost concerned about the situation at hand, and entirely blamed Colin.

   "Have you noticed, Col?" Benedict spoke. Violet looked between the two suspiciously, "The twinkle of the candles, it is as— It's as if.. we sit among the stars."

   Aphrodite covered her mouth, laughing quietly into her hand, "What is wrong with the both of you?" Eloise asked.

   "I was just telling Benedict and Aphrodite how brilliant the stars were in Greece. Aphrodite seems to find that.. enjoyable." Colin came up with an excuse immediately.

   "Are you enjoying your time here, Miss Edwina?" Daphne asked.

   "I am, very much. The buzz of the city is thrilling indeed. but I quite enjoy the peace of the country." She responded.

"As do I." Anthony joined in, "Though I dare say, It is not quite so peaceful with my entire family in residence." Edwina chuckled at the comment.

"I understand my lord. Certainly, I cannot compare my family with your seven brothers and sisters.. but, my sister and I were known to be a handful growing up too."

"Mm. I can Imagine." He responded.

She continued, "But Kate always has had my best interests at heart. She bears a heavy responsibility for our family."

Daphne looked between the two, "That sounds remarkably similar to you, Anthony." He immediately turned his head to her, "Much familial responsibility to bear, indeed."

"It was a revelation, really. Made all the better by the knowledge that I may have been the only Briton to see it in decades." Colin took a sip from his drink.

"How wonderful," Aphrodite spoke wearily.

"Mmm. Mmm!" Benedict moaned as he ate, before reaching for his glass, accidentally causing a spill." Colin and Aphrodite jumped beside him at the sound, watching him cover his face, soon revealing a smile.

"Benedict, dear, you alarm our guests," Violet spoke.

"It's quite all right, Lady Bridgerton," Kate responded with a smile. Aphrodite turned to look at Benedict who was laughing as they made eye contact. She tried her best to turn her head and ignore him, knowing she'd laugh any minute.

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