short announcement, author.

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guys 😭. i have the worst memory ever, the whole heir thing was in queen charlotte and i somehow mixed that up and thought it happened it bridgerton when it DID NOT so im gonna alter the timeline a bit (against my own will) and have that happen earlier on because im so stupid. i really dont like altering my fanfic timelines to the extreme bc i feel like it can get messy but also it would lowkey be boring to have everything in place so ill just go with it and hope for the best.

it was a little memory mix up but i wanted to let you guys know that it wasnt my plan to change the whole heir situation, but i figured i can't change it since its already been stated in the last chapter but yes, little announcement, another chapter will be out soon, enjoy your read.

MONARCHS MUSE, benedict bridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now