princesses adventures, 3

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            "DEAREST READER, It has been said that competition is an opportunity for us to rise and stand ready before our greatest of challenges. Well, if what this author hears this morning is true, then a great challenge concerning this season's diamond has been set forth, indeed. Any suitor wishing to gain an audience with Miss Edwina Sharma must first tame the rather prickly spinster of a beast otherwise known as her sister.

And while Miss Edwina Sharma's prospects are indeed a matter of interest, it appears that the true spectacle of the season lies elsewhere. For in the midst of all this social maneuvering, whispers of another remarkable figure have emerged.

It seems every prince, sir, and lord, and more, are vying for the attention of none other than Princess Aphrodite herself, now that she's seemingly emerged from her royal seclusion. It's a curious turn of events, considering how adept she seemed at avoiding the matrimonial circus not so long ago.

Yet, here she is, a woman suddenly in demand, captivating the hearts of the ton with her royal charm and elusive grace. One can't help but wonder if this sudden emergence from the shadows is a calculated move on her part or simply a twist of fate. It's almost as if Princess Aphrodite has decided to leave behind her potential spinsterhood and join the ranks of eligible debutantes.

So, dear reader, as the dance of courtship ensues and suitors flock to her side, one can't help but wonder: who will be the lucky suitor to finally lure Princess Aphrodite out of her literary haven?

Yours in curiosity, Lady Whistledown."

"Oh— how wonderful." The princess took the flower in hand from the prince. She smiled as she looked at the flower in hand before frowning at the man once he turned his head.

"The view is beautiful, wouldn't you say."

"Lovely," she responded dryly as she inspected the flower, her lack of amusement evident. Her expression shifted once more as she noticed the man's gaze returning to her. Offering a forced laugh, she remarked, "Just lovely," before placing the flower on the table and clasping her hands in front of her. "Though this evening has been charming, I'm afraid I must take my leave to attend the royal races."

   "If it'd be no harm I'd—"

   "Alone," she replied swiftly, her tone firm. "Solo, apart from the rest. I find solace in solitude." The man looked at the sight of a man making his way to the gardens in shock before she cleared her throat, motioning for the man to walk towards the two, "Actually, It seems I have found an escort."


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