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THE PRINCESS MADE HER WAY THROUGH THE BRIDGERTON'S HOME, looking around whilst she followed behind the footman. The footman soon swung open the doors to the drawing room, announcing, "Benedict Bridgerton, you have a visitor." Benedict, who had been engrossed in his reading and seated comfortably amongst his family, looked up abruptly. His mother approached the footman, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Me? Who on earth could be calling on me?" The man inquired, perplexed.

"Princess Aphrodite," the footman announced. His younger brother chuckled, assuming it was a jest, until the Princess herself stood in the doorway, gazing back at them. With a nod, the footman departed. Lady Bridgerton appeared utterly stunned by the unexpected arrival of the royal visitor.

Benedict straightened himself out almost immediately at her arrival, "Aphrodite."

"Princess Aphrodite." Hyacinth corrected.

The princess offered a slight bow, and those in the room reciprocated with their own nods of acknowledgment. "There's no need for formal titles," she remarked, her smile serene as she spoke.

"Princess Aphrodite, it is a delight to have you here," Lady Bridgerton greeted, her voice betraying a hint of nervousness. She then turned to her other children. "Well then. I imagine you two are eager for some privacy. Off you go, all of you."

   As her mother ushered them out, Eloise made her way over to the princess, grumbling under her breath, "Mother, they're not that eager—"

"Off we all go," Lady Bridgerton insisted, hastily guiding the children out of the room.

Aphrodite, who had been standing with poise, relaxed with a sigh. "What was that all about?"

   "My mother hasn't had the opportunity to see you up close in quite some time. You mustn't forget, despite our acquaintance, you are royalty," Benedict explained. "She hasn't seen you since you were almost a child." The princess nodded understandingly before settling comfortably beside him. "So, what brings you here?" He asked.

"My mother is driving me mad," she confessed, settling into a comfortable position. "I've been in contact with hundreds of suitors, but they've all been either too old, too solemn, too focused on male superiority, or wanted an absurd number of children."

   Benedict nodded and chuckled a bit, "Tis what you get when you're looking to married."

   "Not by choice," she stated firmly. Aphrodite then reclined, resting her head in his lap and gazing up at the man who was engrossed in his paper. "Perhaps I shouldn't be seeking love after all. Maybe my mother was correct. I ought to focus on finding a backup plan for an heir."

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