Valentines Day Pt. 2

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(Dark Haired Percy)


And here it is, ladies and gentlemen. February 14th. Valentine's Day. I am already dreading today.
Annabeth keeps saying how I should tell Percy about my feelings for him but I just can't. I mean, yes, he did kiss my head the other day but that doesn't exactly mean he likes me.

I don't know how but I dodged having to tell Percy what was wrong that day too. I guess he forgot about it or something because when I saw him again, he was just all quiet and didn't even ask anymore. Now that I'm thinking about it, he's actually been really quiet lately. And I haven't seen him a lot either. He's always training or in his cabin doing something.

Maybe I should go check up on him. Or....maybe he's spending the day with his valentine and doesn't want to be bothered....Right, totally forgot he's like the most popular, handsome, cool, funny guy here at camp.

Oh, speaking of Percy, there he is now. Walking to the Athena Cabin with a bouquet of flowers.


Wait, what?! Walking to the Athena Cabin with a bouquet of flowers?? Oh my gods! He's asking Annabeth to be his valentine?

Are you kidding me? My own best friend? She even knows my feelings about him and now there's nothing I can do. She'll say yes and they'll spend the whole day together then they'll start dating and I'll have to watch them hold hands and kiss all day for the rest of my life.

This is hell. I knew I wasn't good enough for him. Why am I so stupid to think he'd like me?

Percy's POV:

It's officially Valentine's Day and I'm freaking out. I finally found the courage to tell Y/N I like her and to ask her to be my valentine but I can't do it alone. Grover and Annabeth told me to meet them in the Athena cabin after lunch so they can help me plan things out.

I also got a bouquet of Y/N's favorite flowers so I could take them to Annabeth for her approval.

As I'm walking to the Athena Cabin, I notice Y/N sitting at a picnic table by herself. Shoot. I can't let her see me. I try to rush to the doors of the cabin quickly before she could see me. I rush in and close the door before seeing a bunch of random things on the cabin floor.

" There you are. Only took you forever" Annabeth says getting up from her bed that she sat on. " Are those the flowers?" she asks gesturing to the bouquet in my hand. " Yea, these are her favorite. Light Pink Carnations" I reply holding them up. " Good. Now, listen to our plan" she says before looking at Grover.

" So I was thinking, since Y/N likes sunsets so much, you take her out for a picnic before sundown and that's when you confess. I already made you a sign for her and the decorations for the picnic." Grover says gesturing to the stuff on the floor.

Annabeth holds up the sign and I see it says ' Will you be mine for Valentine's?' in cursive writing. It also has hearts all around it. " Don't you think that's a little cheesy?" I ask. " It's Y/N. She won't care" Annabeth reply's. I just shrug and they continue. " Now, we have an hour and a half time sun down so let's get this set up." Grover says.

We take the stuff to a spot in the forest and begin to set it up. I put a white and pink checkered blanket on the ground. Annabeth brings the basket of food with sweets and fruits in it and places it on the corner of the blanket. Grover places some pillows down for more comfort and scatters some rose petals around the blanket as well. The grassy area where we set everything up had a perfect view of the camp's training field which looks gorgeous during sunsets.

Once we had finished everything, I thanked Annabeth and Grover before they went to go find Y/N. They'll lead her here where I'll confess to her.

Oh my gods. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I'm so nervous. What if I mess up? What if she says no? What if she already has a Valentine? Why didn't I think of this before?


I was walking back to my cabin after realizing Percy likes Annabeth. Yea, I'm heart broken but I can't blame him. She's wonderful. An even better choice than me anyways.

I was about to open the door to my cabin when I hear Grover call my name. I turn and see him and Annabeth running over to me. " Oh, hey" I say. " What's wrong?" Grover asks. " Nothing, nothing. I'm fine" I reply. I look at Annabeth and smile faintly. " So, did you say yes to Percy?" I ask. Her brows furrow quickly.
" What? What are you talking about?" she asks.

" Percy. He asked you to be his valentine. I saw him walking to your cabin with flowers" I say. I can see the realization on both their faces. " No, Y/N, those flowers weren't for me. Percy wasn't asking me to be his valentine" she says. " He wasn't? Then why did he have flowers?" I ask. " Hm. Not sure. Hey, you should come check this out. We found a really good spot to watch sunsets" she says grabbing my arm quickly.

Her and Grover guid me through the forest. They had put a blind fold on me sometime after we walked into the forest. " Where are we going?" I ask. " To see the sunset" Grover says. " So why am I blind folded?" I ask. " Because, it's a special sunset tonight" Annabeth reply's. I could hear the smug smirk on her face.

They finally stopped me in place and started whispering before it went silent. " Uh, Annie? Grover? Can I take this blind fold off?" I ask but no one responded. " Hello?" I call out.

" You can take it off now" I hear someone else's voice say. I slowly and hesitantly take it off. I look up and see Percy standing with his arms behind his back. There was a picnic set up with a basket of food, pillows, and rose petals scattered on the ground. " Percy? What is all this?" I ask. I walk closer to him but stop when he pulls out a sign and a bouquet of flowers. The same bouquet I saw him with earlier.

I look at the sign and smile widely. "Will you be mine for Valentine's?" Percy asks, saying the sign out loud. I cover my mouth with my hand to contain my smile but failed to. " Yes, of course I will, Percy" I say before stepping closer to him and hugging him. He drops the sign and wraps his free arm around my waist.

I warp my arms around his neck as I burry my face in his shoulder. He chuckles softly. " I never thought I would be able to do this. I was so scared you would reject me" he says. " Me reject you? Percy, please. I would be stupid to reject you" I say putting an even bigger smile on his face.

We sit down and eat some of the food in the basket as the sun starts to go down. After I was done eating, I lay on my stomach and rest my head on my fist as it was propped up. Percy lays down next to me and smiles. I could feel his eyes on me so I turn my head to see him. " What?" I ask. He softly smiles. " Oh, nothing. I'm just admiring your beautiful face" he says teasingly. A blush covers my face quickly as I look away.

I hear him lowly chuckle before feeling his index and middle finger guide my head back to face him. He was even closer than before now. I could feel the butterflies together in my stomach but they then burst as he leans in slowly and gently kisses me.

His lips were soft and heavenly. They massaged against mine perfectly like two puzzle pieces that fit together. It felt like fireworks were going off in my body as my heart raced. This is all I've ever wanted. This is all I've ever dreamed of. Now it's finally happening.

He pulls away slowly and smiles. " There's something else I want to ask you" he says. I nod in anticipation.
" Can I be your boyfriend?" he asks a little shy now. Instead of answering him right away, I lean in and peck his lips. " Is that a yes?" he asks. " No, that was a 'you're cute'" I reply. He looks at me confused but chuckles. " This is a yes" I say before leaning in again and kissing him more slowly and passionately. He kisses back with the same energy as his hand goes down to my waist and lays there.

I pull away after a few more seconds and smile. " That was an even better 'yes' than I could've imagined." he says softly smiling as well.

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