Chapter 4

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The imposing forest laid a dominant claim over the fertile ground, overpowering the sky with it's tall trees, mercy enough to let through rays of sunshine within it's grasp. Gentle wind carried a net of goosebumps on her skin.

She stood straight, looking at the young man squatting besides the flowing river. Water dripped from his chin as he drank with a steady pace. Ignoring the light tittering noises from the side, her feet shifted slightly with an uninteresting gaze.

Rushing footsteps came their way that caused the two woman on her side to cautiously look towards the front. The other woman on her side, fumbling with several traps did not seem to notice it.

The man stopped drinking. Her fingers which reached for the knife on her waistband stopped midway when she looked at the familiar figure that seemed to be huffing a little as he spoke.

"I've found the places for the traps. I need help with setting it up. "

The man stood up, glancing at the people with a helpless expression. Disappointment grew in his heart as he looked at the group he was assigned to. They lacked serious manpower.

Looking at the women who strapped baskets on their back and carried no weapons, his defeated mind finally settled into a resolution.

"Victoria will help at settling the traps. I will be on the tracking. The two woman can go for the hunt of wild berries and must return before the sun sets. You-"

Hesitation crept into him like wild fire, his instincts blazing up. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

"I want you to be on the look out. "

The woman that was listening intently on the side had a reluctant expression. The look out's are the ones that will face the unknown danger firstly. If they weren't strong to survive it, the group would be in shambles. Her face paled.

"Leader, can I be on the look out? It's not safe. "

"Vic, we lack manpower, we need you. I'm the only tracker present in the group, just as you're the only one who's experienced in the field of traps. We have to get in some game before the sun sets lest, we cannot survive."

Tiredness rang off his tone, signaling at the desperate situation they're in. The woman stilled with a defeated expression, casting a long glance at the figure before she grabbed the tools on the ground stiffly, heading for the site along with the other man.

The figure moved after the two woman set off to their destination. Her mind caught the reluctance of the female's gaze on her. It seems that her achievements were well known far and wide across the little population.

Trailing through the forest land was instinctive, her ears always listened to the sounds of the nature letting it lure her into a trance of false peacefulness. The splashes of the flowing waterfall slowly diminished into the background as she treaded opposite to it.

As she walked, the unusual quietness of the forest made her ears twitch in anticipation. The instinct in her gut overtook her mind, causing the sickle in her hand to land in the nearby tree that was tall and gruff in it's appearance.

The wood was hard and required a great deal of effort when she pulled it out with one hand and grunted while climbing up with a fierce stance. Finally reaching a thick branch, she retracted the sickle, trying to still her racing heart.

She looked down at the forest with a concentrated gaze. The branch was quite high, it gave her far more view of the nearby land than she expected.

Just as expected, the shadow of the monster fell upon the ground, it's red eyes glowing with an intensity. It's paws descended upon the ground, claws piercing through the land under it. It's eyes screamed the want for the blood of it's prey. Many of the monsters followed in suit, coming out the thick bushes.

Her eyes caught the blood coating it's entire fur, painting the bloodthirsty animal perfectly suited in it's habitat. Grabbing the smoke signal in her hand, her fist was raised high into the sky unbothered about being witnessed by the animals around.

Climbing down the tree, her feet whisked in the direction of the bloodthirsty monsters.

The two woman were still stuffing berries into their nearly full baskets, not trifled by the dangers of the world. Not until the the first monster that entered their vicinity. The beast crouched on the ground behind the unsuspecting woman's back.

The other woman's expression froze when she saw the monster's glowing eyes. Her face morphed into despair and fear, as sound refused to travel past her throat. The woman looked at the other who was suddenly making such an expression, her movements also slowed down.

Before she could turn around to look at where the woman was gazing at, an arrow whooshed into the air, catching the figure in mid air. It's body collapsed on the ground with a great momentum, knocking the figure to the ground. It's gushing wound spilled fresh blood of the creature, it's essence wafting through the air.

The women were scared past their wits, their eyes couldn't move away from the jarring animal on the ground that still has it's hungry gaze upon them.

"There are several creatures heading in this direction, Head out for the rest of the group and inform them quickly.

The boy's voice immediately set off alarms in their mind. It was not long before she saw the baskets that were strapped to their backs, disappear into the oblivion.

It was not hard to find another tree that was gruff and tall as the previous one in this dense forest. Her calm eyes settled on to the oncoming footsteps of the looming shadows. Her hand clutched the bow tightly in her grasp.

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