Chapter XIII

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"Do you like pizza, Terri?" The Sheriff asked while opening the door.

"I love it."

"Great, in that case, I'm calling the delivery... What topics?"

"Whichever you prefer it's okay for me" I smiled.

"Ok, they'll be here in half an hour. Be free, guys."

Said that and went to the kitchen to make the call. Stiles turned around abruptly and stared at me.


"You want a tour of the Stilinski's mansion?"

"It had always been my dream" I 'joked'.

"In that case, today is your lucky day, lady. You came in a perfect time. Now, follow me and try not to miss your guide's steps..."

I followed him while he showed me the place. At the entrance we had the kitchen on one side and the living room on the other, then there was a bathroom, the Sheriff's study and his bedroom. They had lived in that house for lots of years, so, as my guide told me, everything had some kind of a story. Obviously, the double bed in that room had been shared betweet the Sheriff and Claudia time ago. But Stiles didn't mention anything about that, and I didn't force him to either, of course.

Then, we went upstairs: a long corridor, with colorful paintings and dark furniture. It had a happy way, contrasting with the other floor, which looked sad or emotionless. I drew my attention to a picture hanging in front of Stiles' bedroom, which had bright and warm colours and abstract shapes, really nice to the view.

"Guide keeps moving here...! Hurry up, you'll miss the tour!" He said as he walked, without looking at me.

Again, I hurried up to catch him, smiling.

"Where did you get that painting?"

"Any ask at the end of the tour, please and thank you."

He slightly showed me his bedroom and the other bathroom, and I asked him about the room left on the other side of the corridor.

"Um.. That... That's nothing, you know, is where we put all the stuff we can't put in any other place. It's a mess." His ways pretended indifference, but it seemed like his eyes had a sad look for a second. He moved his hand like throwing something away "Anyway, you coming?" Said, entering into his room and letting himself fall on his bed.

I got in and sat in a chair next to his notebook and take a look at his room, this time in a more relaxed and detailed way. Its walls were painted in a pale grey tone, excepting the one with the window (which looked to the front part of the face), painted with a darker colour; mostly of them covered with posters.

"That painting was made by my mom. She liked to paint when she had some free time" He answered my before made question, without moving, looking at the ceiling.

"I really like it. And the colours are beautiful!"

"I chose those. A few months before my 7th birthday I found her painting at like 4am. She had already made the sketch, but couldn't decide about the colours, so I picked them for her. She gave it to me on my birthday."

"And why did you put it outside your room?"

He sat.

"At first I had it inside, but... Something like half a year later..." He sighted, sadly. "She wasn't okay, got worst everyday... I... I knew it. I should have known it. I didn't realize then. But she started painting more and more, and talking less..." His eyes were watering. I sat on his bed, next to him.

"Stiles, don't tell me if you don't want to, it was only a question."

"She spent nights without eating" continued, as if he hadn't heard me. "And talk nonsense. I... Had only seven years and a half, I didn't understand. After, I quit sleeping too. I used to walk around the house at nights, my dad wouldn't heard me, he'd thought I was asleep. But I hid behind their door, and saw him with a glass of water she took almost constantly, and I remember she repeating the words "I have to go back" continually and, and dad asking "Where?" and she not answering and... And after that... A few days before my 8th birthday, she was taken to the hospital..." Tears were rolling down his face. "And... Dad told me everything was okay and I stayed a few days in a friend's house, Scott, with him and his mom, who is a nurse and would sometimes take me to the hospital to see mine, and I remember that for my birthday her room was all decorated and she was there, with me. I blew the candles of my cake and I remember her kissing me and saying to me "I love you, my little angel". That... was the last thing not... nonsense I heard her say. She, she died two weeks after."

At that point my eyes were very watered too, because of the story, and he couldn't hold the tears. I hugged him, and he hugged me harder, while crying and I rubbed his back, trying to help. When he pulled apart, some minutes after, whipped his tears and said:

"I don't know why do I tell you all this. I'm sorry, is just a boring story..."

"Stiles, it's okay. Seriously. Is not just a boring story, is something important for you." I looked him in the eye and whipped another tear trying to escape from them, caressing his cheek with the rest of my hand.

"Plus, we met two days ago and I'm already telling you the story of my life..."


"There's something about you, I don't know. Maybe it's because you helped me with Lydia, I feel I can trust you. I feel I can tell you something I've never told to anyone."

"Look at me" He had looked away, so I made him look right into my eyes. "You can trust me, okay? I know, it happens the same to me: we met two days ago, but I feel I can trust you. That's why I called you when I needed help. I may not be more than the new girl here, but I could be your friend, not like Scott, but a friend. Remember that. I'm not telling you to tell me, but if you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here for you."

He said nothing, smiled, his eyes looking at mine.

"Thank you. I guess I needed to say it. I've been keeping it silent since it happened. The only one who knows about that is Scott, you know, because of the days I spent in his house..."

I nodded.

"I never lost anyone like that, but, the night we met, the only idea in my head was that my parents had died because of a plane crash..."

He raised his eyebrows, with surprise.

"It looks like it wasn't a good nine for none of us..."

"But if it hadn't happened, we wouldn't be here now" I smiled. He nodded, smiling too.

"Thank you."

"There's nothing to thank for."

We hugged once again, this time, more calmly and less painfully.

"Sorry for interrupting this beautiful scene, but the pizza is here." Told us Stiles' dad, who was waiting for us at the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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