Chapter VI

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Finally I went off the plane and returned to what was my actual home: U.S.A.

I remembered Stiles and he hugging me and a smile made its way through my mouth, I admit. The only thing I asked for was continue having this dreams, they were the best.

I quitted the plane mode in my phone and went to the free shop, just to do something. We had to wait some minutes for our luggage, but I’m not good at waiting, (I mean I’m not. At all), so I left my parents with that while I went shopping. I looked for a new teddy but it had no sense: none of them was Max, not even close.

Something like 15 minutes later, my parents went for me and we went back home.

When I was at my house entrance my phone rang. The number wasn’t registered, but it didn’t look like the telephone company (I never answer them, they are insufferable), so I answered.


“Hi, Terri?” –I remembered his voice, but I couldn’t remember where from.

“Yes… Who is?”

“Uhm… Hi Terri, it’s Stiles.”

“It’s Stiles”

That was impossible. ¿Was I still dreaming?

When he realized I wasn’t answering, continued talking.

“Stiles Stilinski, the Sheriff’s son… Come on, we met yesterday! Don’t you remember?”

“Yes, yes… I mean no! How could I forget someone who almost kills me by driving as fast as a lightning in his jeep?” –I (unsuccessfully) tried to hide my confusion. He laughed, in the other side of the line.

“Yes, sorry for that, I was really worried.” –He stayed silent for a few seconds- Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your help yesterday, and the day before, and all, I couldn’t have found her without you.”

“Don’t worry, Stiles, I’m glad I helped.”

“I looked for you after, but did not find you anywhere, you’re all right aren’t you?”

“I’m perfectly, and how is Lydia?”

“She’s okay, we took her back home, but she had to spend some time with psychologists today, you know, to be sure everything was working properly in her head. The only thing is that she doesn’t remember anything, or at least that’s what they told me.”

“Did you go to see how she was?”

“No, I was thinking to go today and bring her a gift, if you like I could pick you up and introduce you both… Or… Or pick you up later and take you for an Ice-cream, I don’t know, just to chill out…?”

“Well, I’d love to, but I’m ‘pretty far’ right now” –I laughed at my own joke.

“In that case, I’ll call you later and you tell me, okay?”

“Okay.” –I smiled at the phone, before we hung up.

I loved him. I was surprised he called, first of all because I couldn’t remember giving him my number, but “Everything is possible in dreams”, I told myself.

Sometime after, kind of an hour later (I guess I had woken up, but couldn’t remember when), Tammy called.

“Terri!! You’re finally back!”

“Tammy!! I miss you so much! How were your holidays without me?”

“In fact, something really really weird happened, now that you say it…”

“You don’t see Teen Wolf anymore?” –I joked.

“Never! But shall we meet to the park’s Ice cream parlor in 20’?

The Ice Cream parlor was in front of the park, actually. It was our favorite, we would always go there.

“I’m on the way!”

We hung up.

“Mom, I’m going to the park!!”

“Of course you are not. You still have a six months and two weeks punishment.” My father answered.

“Please, when I return you punish me all the time you want, I need to see Tammy!”

“Ok, then… No. You’ll see her in two weeks and six months.”

“Come on, cookie, let her go, she already fainted in the club, that situation’s humiliation plus a few weeks of washing the dishes I’m sure will be enough… She hasn’t seen Tammy since months ago. –My mom saving the day, ladies and gentlemen. And yes, she calls dad “Cookie” because he loves cookies, just as the “Cookie Monster”.

Dad sighted.

“Ok, but as soon as you come back you start with the cleaning. And you’ll clean the whole house.”

“Thank you!” –I kissed both of their cheeks, run towards my bike and ride it way the Ice Cream parlor.

Tammy was waiting me sat at one of the tables, we went for a pair of ice creams.

“And? How were your holidays?” –She asked me.

“Nothing very new, I tried to go clubbing…”

“¿And…?” –That last sentence make her eyes wide open, that was new, I guess: Me clubbing.

“I fainted”.

She grinned.

“After that… Mmm… Nope, nothing else. Excepting for some really really weird dreams…”

“What kind of really really weird dreams?”

“Umh, nothing, Teen Wolf…”

“Oh, yes! I forgot that’s what I need to tell you about! Look!” –She turned her phone and showed me the first episode of the second season. I put my eyes on the little screen.

*“Last Season on Teen Wolf”*

*A Scott and Allison scene*

“What’s the matter? I don’t understa…”

“Sh! Look! Now!”

*Stiles sleeping on the waiting room’s chairs.*

And then she appeared. Better said, I appeared. Me. Terri Robertson. There I was. Getting closer to Stiles, telling him the same words I’d told him in my dream.

“What? It can’t be true…”

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