Chapter X

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Third Chap of the Marathon!!! :D Hope you like it!

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'"Why don't you want to tell me?"



"You won't believe me."'


"Trust me, you could tell me you ride a flying unicorn and I'd believe it."

"Well, so, that is: I ride a flying unicorn."

"I don't believe you."

"You see??"

"I mentioned the unicorn first... Tell me?"

"It's... Just that... I don't know, I really just appear in places. I'm not following you nor anything. I don't even know myself how do I do this."

"And how did you know about the woods? ¿And that she was not who caused the car accident?"

"I felt it, I guess. Think about this: a 16 year old girl, causing an ambulance crash? And Lydia, please, you know her, she couldn't have stand all that blood everywhere." –I shouldn't have said that.

He nodded, taking two of his fingers to his lips, in a thinking way.

"Wait, how do you know that Lydia wouldn't stand blood?"

"Emm... Because of what you tell me about her. And most of the 16 year old girls don't get well with blood outside bodies. I'm pretty sure she's not an exception."

"So, you're telling me you have kind of a 'sixth sense' that makes you 'feel' things?"

"I think so..."- Well, basically, was that way.

"And... Where do you live?" –He could not contain his curiosity, it was obvious.

"Now that you mention it, I've just moved. I'm, you know, starting to know the place. In fact, I should go to the school and sign up."

"At BHHS?"

"Yes." –If there was something I thought about our talk with Tammy was that I needed to create a story. I mean, I couldn't just appear there and pretend they would trust me, so yes, I had to be at the School.

"Oh that's great. You want me to go with you?"

"No thanks, but if you could tell me how to get there, I'll walk."

"Come on, I'll take you, is a few blocks away. And I can give you a guide around the place if you're interested, anytime. Also, I could introduce you to my friends, Scott, Lydia, Allison... You don't need to worry about the 'sixth sense' thing, I assure none of them will judge."

I laughed to myself. Of course they wouldn't, if they were a werewolf, his werewolf hunter girlfriend and a girl who was in love with a werelizard guy...

He drove me to school, and, on the way, told me a little more about them (avoiding the supernatural parts) and finally, drove off at the door. He couldn't stay: his father called him from the station, asking for his help. He got out, opened my door and, as he didn't look like giving me a goodbye kiss in my cheek, I did.

"Thank you, Stiles."

"It's allright." –He stayed with his eyes onto the floor, a little red, I guessed because of the kiss. I don't think he used to these kind of goodbyes, less from a girl.- "Oh, and Terri, don't think I don't know you're still hiding something."

"Bye, Stilinski." I smiled at him and my hand shook, giving him the same message my words did. "And, again, thank you for everything!" –I had the tiny fox in my hand, it must have been something funny to see.

I turned around and went to the entry. I had to be crazy: it wasn't enough for me to be in one school in my real life, I had to sign me up in another one in my "other new life" (It was already clear it weren't dreams, but how could I call them?". And, in any way you could see it, going to that school was my dream.

I got in and when to the Principal's. Thanks to God, Gerard Argent was not in that place yet. I couldn't be near that man. I knew I'd have to stand him later, but luckily, I'd be a student when it happened.

Principal Thomas, instead, seemed absolutely nice. In his forties, blond, with square-shaped glasses. He asked me a few questions, about my family and that kind of stuff. I still don't know how could I avoid them, but he finally wrote my name on the paper: I was starting the next day. The only thing: I'd have to see the School Counselor, Ms Morrell, to "integrate me" in the new school. I suppose it was all firstly because I told him I'd moved because my parents had died in a car accident and I could not stay in that place. (And yes, that was the only thing I could came up with to explain they weren't with me and could not go to school if called.) The problem is, I said that without thinking (I panicked), and made it obvious I was homeless. Of course, the Principal couldn't accept a homeless student, so he decided to find me a home. He said he'd call his sister, who had a free space since one of her twin sons, Walter Greenberg, had gone in an exchange program to study in London. But I couldn't control all this appearing thigs yet, and I definitely did not want to attract attention, so another awesome idea came to my mind and I told him it was my first day in town, but that I'd live at Stilinski's.

"I didn't know the address properly, that's why I didn't say it before."

He didn't seem to believe it, but he clearly trusted the family, so he didn't continue asking about it (Again, thanks to God).

"I went to school with Claudia Stilinski" –Stiles's mom- "Also here, at Beacon Hills High School. The Stilinskies are good friends of mine, so I'll write down their address, but I hope you understand I'll have to call the Sheriff first, to confirm that. Just for having his verification."

"Yes, sure." –I nodded, while frenetically shaking in the inside.

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