Chapter VII

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“And then she appeared. Better said, I appeared. Me. Terri Robertson. There I was. Getting closer to Stiles, telling him the same words I’d told him in my dream.

‘What? It can’t be true…’ ”

“I don’t know, look! The episode… You’re in there! Or somebody who does really look like you!!”

“It’s me. I’m saying the same things I said in my dream… I mean the dream I dreamt before. Or I don’t know.” –I couldn’t understand, , I was dreaming that I was dreaming that I was in Beacon Hills and then it was true? I was already totally confused only thinking about that.- “How did this happen?”

“I really don’t know, I started watching Season 1 and everything was normal, and then I started Season 2 and saw this.”

“And when exactly did you started seeing ‘this’?”

“I started with the first season a few days ago, then, I was starting Season 2 when I saw “this”. That’s when I called you. The other ones look all right, as they always were…”

“This is weird… But, are you sure?”

“Of what? I don’t understand a thing either. I just googled the show online and you appeared. In every webpage I saw, there you are. Is like they changed the series… I don’t know, did you hack anything? Bribe anyone? Were you filming behind our backs?”

I glanced at her. “Were you filming behind our backs?”. Tammy would never change...

“Okay, this is absolutely weird. But not real.”

“What do you mean?”

“Lately, I’ve been having this dreams in which I wake up in Beacon Hills, but today I’m dreaming with my real life.”

“Terri, this isn’t a dream…”

“Of course it is. First Stiles called and then…”

“Hold on a sec, ¿How is that Stiles called you?”

“Yes, he did, just before you did it too.”

“But he’s a fictional character, that’s impossible.”

“Exactly. And the series change too. I just have to wake up, I’m still asleep on the plane.”

“Teresa, you are awake. The plane landed more than two hours ago.”

“But I can’t be awake. Think about it, it has no sense.”

“No, it hasn’t, but I know we aren’t dreaming. I have an idea, give me your phone.”

I gave it to her.

“Did you save ‘Stiles’’ number?”

“No, but he was the last phone call I had. And yes, it was him.”

“We’ll see.” –She took her phone and started dialing the number she took from mine.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m calling Stiles from my phone. In speaker. And we’ll see if anything of this is really happening.”
“But he doesn’t know you…”

“You just wait.”

She called Stiles and put the call in speaker.

“Stilinski here!”

“Stiles?” –She recognized his voice and was very surprised. Just as me.

“The one and only. Who’s this?”

“You were right about Stiles” –She whispered to me. I gave her the typical ‘I told you’ face. Then, continued with the call.- “Hi, I’m Tammy, I was told you had been with a friend of mine, Teresa Robertson.”

“Yes, Terri. I met here two days ago… -He started worrying. –She’s okay, isn’t she? I talked with her something like an hour and a half ago… Did anything happen to her?”

“Yes, no, calm down, it’s just that we found her 45 minutes ago and she says she can’t remember a thing from these few days… Excepting your name. And your number, because of the call you made. Could you please tell me about these days you’ve been with her?”       

I could hear him whisper to himself “Oh holy… She too?”. Not much time ago he’d told me Lydia couldn’t remember anything…

“Em… we met for the first time at the hospital, and the next day… She went to my school, and came with me to my house and then to the woods, and then… Then she disappeared. –he was slightly stuttering. –A… Are you with her?”

Tammy’s face was unemotional, but it was obvious she was as confused as I was.

“Yes, I am with her, she’s okay.” –I talked to her in signals- “She tells me to tell you to drink some Chamomile tea and that she’ll… Call you later.”

“Okay, but tell her I don’t have any more tea bags…” –He sounded way more relieved now, I assumed he would recognize me with mentioning the tea.

“She says to you to go and buy more.” –Tammy laughed at my coldness, but it was true: If Stiles was always like that then he should have like 20 tea boxes hidden all around his house.

“Tell her I hope she’s free in 2 hours. I have to leave now…”

“Okay Stiles, if you don’t want to talk to me… Bye.” –I answered.

“Terri? No, wait Terri wai…”

And then I hung up.

“That was cruel.” –Tammy laughed.

“CRUEL es bueno.” –I answered, quoting a very well known phrase from “The Maze Runner” (WICKED is good), but in Spanish.

“But I still don’t get it… Did you give him your phone?”

“I didn’t! And I don’t understand it either, ¿how did he get my number and how could he call me?”

“But what happened? I mean, since you guys first met.”

“I think you already saw it.”

“How is it like being with him?”

“Well, I’ll just tell you that maybe being in love with a fictional character could be not so harmful…

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