Chapter V

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“Okay, no, I’m not, do you have a driver’s license?”

“Not yet, but I learnt how to drive when I was 13.”

“We are lucky my dad is the Sheriff” -He tried to smile, and I smiled him back. We changed our seats.

“And meanwhile, you can look for the map.”

“Good idea”

“And turn on the music”

“That one is better” -He said, while putting a CD.

“And, finally…”


“Try to take a deep breath and calm yourself, you’ll find her.”

He nodded, took his phone and started his search, at the same time he gave me directions to drive to the Stilinski’s house.

“Oh, no, no, no, oh crap.” -He said after a few minutes and threw his phone away. -“My phone is dead.”

“I’d lend you mine, but it hasn’t got signal for some reason.”

“Awesome. This is AWESOME” -He snorted.

“When we arrive we’ll search with a computer, it’s just a hitch.”

“Well, we have no time for hitchs…”


We finally got to the house.  The Sheriff was at work, so Stiles and I were alone. We went upstairs to his room and switch on his computer. Stiles plugged his phone while I was googling Beacon Hills’s woods’ maps. It had to be something, somewhere, that sounded familiar to me. Something that could remind me wher Lydia was.

When his phone charged the battery required to have signal, lost calls started to show up: Scott’s. One. Two. Three…

“Scott must have found something!” -He said while he called his best friend back.- “Wait… He’s not answering… What if something happened to him?”

“I’ll be back in five minutes, okay?” –I said to him, who was getting a little, (just a little bit) paranoid.

“Yeah, sure, I’ll keep searching”

I went downstairs to his kitchen and grab a metal pitcher, put water on it and put it on the burner stove, and while waiting, looked for a cup and for a tea bag, wherever I could find one in that messy kitchen. Luckily, I found a Chamomile one, lonely in a little wooden tea box.

Five minutes after, as said, I was upstairs giving the cup of tea to Stiles. He looked at me, confused.

“It’s tea. Chamomile tea. It’s well known for relieving anxiety.” –I explained- “Now drink it and try to slow down your nerves.” –He drank a little.-  “Did you find anything?”

“Not much. In fact, I just printed the map…”

“May I see?”

He gave it to me and threw himself on his bed, taking his hands to his face.


I sat next to him.

“It’s not so hard, Stiles, but you are too worried to focus.” -I thought.

Instead of telling him that, I tried to make him feel better:

“In fact, seeing the map in paper helps a lot” -I emphasized those last two words- “Thank you, Stiles”

“Are you serious?” –He got up until being sit.

“Yes! Look, she has to be in the woods, hasn’t she?”

“Yes… Unless she ran away”

“Lydia Martin running from the woods to the city, naked?”

“Yeah, probably not, but firstly, she wouldn’t disappear by her choice”

“That’s right, but, anyway, your father would know if she returned to the civilization…”

Stiles phone rang again: Scott.

He hadn’t found anything, far from it, he was annoyed because Stiles hadn´t gone with him to Kate Argent’s funeral, to which Scott had promised Allison he would be there. Stiles answered he was so worried about Lydia that he had forgotten about it… They kept talking a few minutes, and I drew my attention back to the map, I had to find something.

The wood was surrounded by streets and routes; Route 10, an avenue, Route 5… Route 5! Wasn’t there where they were when they found her? Yes! Well, I was like 70% sure…

Stiles apologized and Scott promised he’d tell him if he found anything. Finally they ended the call. None of them was angry: they both knew what the other one was through.

“Stiles, look!!”

“Did you find any clues?” he asked me, with a spark of hope in his eyes.

“I found the place.”

He looked at me with his shinning eyes.

“Here” –I showed him the place- “Route 5. Somewhere this side from the woods.”

“Are you sure?”


“How do you know is here?”

“Trust me, is here. I know.”

He hugged me. It was a very strong hug, but I didn’t say anything: I knew he needed to relieve all the nerves and worries he had inside. Also, Stiles was hugging me. I closed my eyes, it was awesome.

Then it ended.

“Okay, buy, in which part of the Route is she?”

“Mmm... I don’t know” –I kept thinking: The Sheriff had gone there because of an accident that night.- “Do you have one of those Walkie Talkies from your father, by chance?”

“I have one in the Jeep.”

“Great, so let’s go. Oh, and Stiles, take an extra jacket.”

He took the jacket and phone and we ran downstairs. We had so much luck that when we turned off the little “Walkie”, a cop was giving coordinates of an accident on the Route 5.

“You understand coordinates, don’t you?”

“Pff, I’m the Sheriff’s son, ain’t I?” –He answered, imitating me, while starting the Jeep.- “Is it there?”


He swallowed hard, and asked:

“4- 1- 5 Adam is the code for ‘disturbs in a car’… Did she do that?”

It was obvious he didn’t want to know the answer. It hadn’t been Lydia, but an omega. I denied. He sighed, calmer. Then he sent a text to Scott telling him the news.

When we arrived it was late night already. The Sheriff was there. Stiles got off the Jeep, and I decided it was my time to leave, I’d already helped enough. I hid behind a tree and saw how Mr Stilinski was surprised by his son, and Stiles’ face when she finally saw Lydia. He stumbled when he tried to go there to give her his jacket (God bless the jacket), messing up the beautiful sweet moment, but it was nice to see him (not his father) dressing her with his jacket.

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