{1. Introduction}

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Characters introduction!

Yu siblings. The New sweet hearts of SmE school, both of them getting praised from everywhere, their looks, talent, Everything! But even if their looks are almost identical, they are still 1 year age gap sisters! lets get to know them shall we?

 The New sweet hearts of SmE school, both of them getting praised from everywhere, their looks, talent, Everything! But even if their looks are almost identical, they are still 1 year age gap sisters! lets get to know them shall we?

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yu karina, the younger sibling. Aiming to be the best singer in the school, maybe a 17 year old couldn't do it? But karina? She makes everything she does look easy, and if she wanted it.. She's getting it.

she may be perfect, but for her, she's far from it, why? She just cant seem to get the idea of love, Everybody around her is dating, having a crush.. But karina? She doesn't know how liking someone feels, all until one day she feel a little something for someone she shouldn't have those little feelings for. She may look like one of those bullies but she's actually one of the nicest girls in school.. And speaking of one of them, the other is none other than her sister.

Yu Jimin, 18 years old and already learning to be following in her mother's step in fashion and modeling, she enjoys it a lot

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Yu Jimin, 18 years old and already learning to be following in her mother's step in fashion and modeling, she enjoys it a lot.. And you could tell by just looking at her looks, she's gonna kill it. if you could describe her in two words? Beautiful and Grumpy. She might be pretty and kind, but she gets grumpy easily, they say its one of her bad traits, jimin knows that its her flaws but she cant seem to control it, until she found the perfect someone to help her with.


Kim siblings, the school's most annoying/ teasing siblings.. winter popular for getting in trouble here and there and getting into fights, while the other was known for her teasing but smart silly self. Other than that, they are known to be in a group called "Mischief" where all the "cool kids", jocks, and bullies hang out Together, and ofcourse they have their own little (or big) fanbase, and just like the yu siblings, the age gap, and the personalities are different.

 Other than that, they are known to be in a group called "Mischief" where all the "cool kids", jocks, and bullies hang out Together, and ofcourse they have their own little (or big) fanbase, and just like the yu siblings, the age gap, and the pers...

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Kim Minjeong, Being 17 being The older and the more mature one. She may be in a bullying group in school but her action keeps saying otherwise.. the group bullying kids? She doesn't join them. The group smoking? doesn't like the smell of it. The list goes on and on, but all she wants is just focus on her future, that is photography, anything that includes her holding a camera? She wants it. but she got a little to occupied to be focusing on that because of that one girl she has been tutoring..

Kim winter, the school's one and only "prince charming" ofcourse the name was given by her die hard loving fans, and by fans, meaning girls that are obsessed with the way she looks and acts, and ofcourse the way she plays her guitar

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Kim winter, the school's one and only "prince charming" ofcourse the name was given by her die hard loving fans, and by fans, meaning girls that are obsessed with the way she looks and acts, and ofcourse the way she plays her guitar.. Yup, ofcourse the school's 16 year old brat plays guitar in a band. But everybody has their special "ups" in their "downs" just like winter. In that cocky stupidly charming outside of hers is that soft and just wanting to be loved heart of hers in the inside.


A/N: Finished exams, might write a lot because I have nothing to do. :)

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