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| Winter's Pov |

"They're already pretty popular huh?"
Minjeong said while Looking at a couple of students talking about how pretty karina and jimin are.

"Well they are unbelievably attractive," I said before puffing out smoke from my vape.

"Indeed they are.. Hey! Didn't you say you were going to quit!?" She took my vape away making me groan in annoyance.

"I know, I know, but.. I keep getting my self out of focus a lot these days.. You know this is the only thing keeping me focused, now give it back!" I took my vape back and put it in my pocket.

"Whatever you say win.. Just take care of your health.."

"I will, you know that. Anyways shouldn't we go to karina's class to pick her up?"

"Is it time already?" She looked at her watch and panic flew to her face. "Yeah! You go to karina's and just meet me at jimin's class okay? Okay!".

what the hell...

I picked up my guitar case and walked to karina's class which was about to end in a couple of minutes, waiting infront of her locker.

" yo winter! "

Ugh.. Why now?

"What do you want ryujin.."

Ryujin, the bassist of our band for the school festival, one of my best friends and one of my most annoying friends also.

"Nothing! Just weird to see you here? I thought your class ended."

"It did.. I'm just waiting for someone."

"Someone?- huh well anyway the band is holding up a practice at my house your coming like you said you would ri-" I didn't really pay attention to ryujin when I saw the door open a bit, making all of my attention that way.

"Wait, wait, the someone is walking out of that door right now" I pointed to the opening door revealing karina in her uniform looking back talking to which I assume is one of her new friends, she really is popular even though she's new.

"Damn!" Ryujin whistled next to me like an idiot.

I walked up behind her ignoring the gossiping whispers of students, she turned around slightly surprised but quickly looked like she brush it off and shot me with a bright smile.

"Lets go?" She said while tilting her head.

"Y-yeah.. Lets go." I said while backing off and walked first which only makes her walk beside me ignoring the sounds of students going crazy over our interactions.

We arrived infront of jimin's class and we was that it was already empty making us confused. My phone buzzed showing "Minjeong Stinky 🦧"
Was calling.

"Where the hell are you?" I said after picking up.

"Uhm Actually me and jimin already went to her hotel with my car, just go here." She said before hanging up the damn phone.

"That fucking-"

"Is everything okay?" I heard karina asked looking at me with worry.

Winrina {Remember Me?}Where stories live. Discover now