{6. Out }

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| Winter's Pov |

She's amazing.

Who? Well the new girl infront of me singing is, to be honest.. I thought she would be just a Pretty face with a basic voice, but she has one hell of a good voice.

We were playing Snooze by SZA while she was sitting on her bed and I was infront of hers sitting on a chair next to the amp.

Yujin, the drummer of the band chose it, ofcourse it wasn't really an electric guitar type of song, but I did some few things and wrote a few notes for it to be playable in a band type of way.

We were practicing for 20 minutes ish and also we were at the end of the song and she looked at me burying her face with her hands, "oh my god I suck do i." She muffled.

"Yeah you do." I joked making her twitch and looked at me while she frowned. " really?.. I'm that bad?.." She pouted.

"No Rina.. I'm joking, your great.. Really great." I said laughing as I put down my guitar to the case.

"Don't joke around!!"

I let out a tiny laugh and smiled at her unconsciously making her look away,
She's blushing?

Just when I was about to say something my phone buzzed in my pocket and ringing, Ryujin called me.

I picked up and immediately she shouted, "HEY LOSER! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!???"

"Holy shit. Stop screaming." I backed the phone away.

"Oh my bad, sorry.. But seriously! Where the hell are you! You said you promised to come by with the others for practice."

"Fuck! I forgot, I-"

"C'mon man you bailed on us like 2 times this week."

"I know, I know.. Ill go there."

"Whatever, just make sure to come!"
She hangs up.

I sighed placing my phone back to my pocket, and face palmed my self, "stupid, stupid, stupid!" I mumbled to my self.

I was sitting next to my guitar case on Karina's carpet and she came to sit next to me. "everything okay?" She leaned closer to look at my face.

"Y-yeah, I just think I have to go to my friend's to practice.. The band was going there and I promised I was going there too, I forgot."

"Ooh should I come? I mean I'm the singer right?"

I looked at her with hesitant eyes, although she was right, she could come because she's the singer, I still thought of how she would feel uncomfortable, especially with My circle of friends.. I mean C'mon i'm one of them so I can basically sense on how stupid we actually are, I just don't want her to be uncomfortable or join on anything dumb.

"Are you sure?.."

"Yeah, ofcourse! Why not?.. Please?" She smiled innocently.

I guess it wouldn't hurt for her to just come by, sing, and leave.

"F-fine. But you need to stay with me at all times, the people there are creeps.." I said looking away from her.

"Ay-yay captain." She said while giggling.

surprisingly minjeong and jimin were also going out and minjeong didn't really question where we were gonna go.

We went to ryujin's house which all of my friends were there, I think she was  basically throwing a party for the 'mischief's people so the place was packed with people smoking, drinking, and doing dumb shit.

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