{7. Party }

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| Karina's pov |

We arrived at the party for jaemin's birthday.

To be honest.. All of these were kind of new to me, well of course LA has crazy stuff too like partying, alcohol, drugs.. But my parents and my sister always protected me from it, so its my first time seeing in close with it.

I was uncomfortable for sure, but on the other hand I had winter to hopefully protect me from bad stuff, and hey look at the bright side? I have a lot of new friends!

At first going to korea, was pretty scary for me, turns out you just have to be with the right people to lean on every now and then.

Maybe im being too positive but what's so bad that could happen?

So far.. Its pretty fun, I have jimin with me and I can 100% rely on her.

And I also have new best friends I could say? Giselle, yeji, and minju are pretty nice to me, all four of us are like some kind of glue even the teacher cant get us to stop being together.

And winter, I don't know anything about her yet.. But I'm interested.. In her? I don't know it all seems too fast for now, she seems like a nice girl under all of that.. I guess you could say toughness?

She's cool though.. And really, really, really attractive. I guess it's just me thinking about that right now since winter is infront of me talking to jaemin, the birthday dude! I said my "happy birthday" and he said his
"thank you", he seems like a good guy genuinely, but his friend seems a bit off.. Jeno has been staring at me for like.. Since I got in the house.

Maybe it was just me but I could feel jeno and his friends who I recognize as heeseung, the school's play boy I guess, were staring at me across the room, I don't know if winter had noticed it but still.. It was really uncomfortable, I shook it off and followed winter to the back of the house where there were still people, but most of them were smoking, and there weren't any People, apart from the smoke it was pretty calm out side.

"you look uneasy.. Is everything okay?" Winter pulled me to the corner, asking with concern.

"I'm fine.." I looked at the ground not sure what to tell her.. Like yeah me, a nobody to winter should say "hey your friends are really freaking me out, they are Such perverts for looking at me from across the room! I know i'm the one who wanted to go here kinda, but I demand a leave now!" Yeah no..

"Are you sure?.. If you are, we can just leave right now."

"No!- no.. What about your friends?"

"Its fine.. Now are you sure-" Before winter could finished the sentence, a group of guys that I haven't seen yet were whistling outside the fence of the house looking at the direction of winter.

"Fuck.." I heard winter say under her breath.

I looked at her confused.

"Karina?.. Can you wait here? Do not go anywhere, stay in this corner and this corner only, do you understand me?.." winter said while looking at me seriously with the tone of her voice cold as ice, I gulped looking at the people from the house go outside and continue to bring out Bats, knifes.. And even guns..

"Karina! Do you understand me?" she Shook me gently trying to get my answer out which I was obviously struggling to as the people outside the fence begin to throw the bats to the people inside, what the fuck was this?... Is this what the 'mischief's' do?

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