{8. Fears }

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| Winter's Pov |

"Ouch! Hey take it easy!" I whined while minjeong was healing my wound back at the house.

"You should have been more careful dumbass.. I know they had a gun and a knife but damn it winter, Karina was at risk too.. Think with your brain of yours, if you even have one."
She said nudging my head. "What is she going to think now huh?.."

"Well.. I know she's going to be avoiding me for sure, but apart of me doesn't want that at all.. I'm such a fucking dumb ass.."

"I think you should just apologize to her after this, say your sorry for all of that and its her choice if she still wants to hang out with you or no."

"Y-yeah.. Thanks for cleaning up my wound.." I said getting up. "By the way.. What did you even do with jimin yesterday? I'm curious.."

She looked away blushing furiously.. Weird.

"Whoa okay no need to explain.. Did you kiss her or something?.."

Again, no response.

She got up covering my mouth with her hand. "Don't shout winter! And no, I didn't kiss her.. She kind of.. Kissed me.. B-but she was drunk so I don't think it counts?"

I put her hand away in disbelief. "Does she remember?"

"I don't think so.. She texted me earlier like nothing ever happend.. I'm meeting her after school though.."

"Damn.. Well you suck.."

"Said the girl who literally is going to be avoided by her little crush? Yeah we both suck."

Welp.. Touchè.


Guess I was kinda right.

There she was, laughing with the guy who literally almost killed us at the party, Lee heeseung. Class were already done so they were sitting om a bench together, heeseung's arm over karina's shoulder.

I mean I was okay if she was going to avoid me, I understand why.. But this? Flirting at a guy that almost killed you and kidnap you? Such a fucking joke, I'm not even going to apologize for shit. Turns out she is just the same like anyone else, assholes.

I Went to the bathroom in a hurry, why am I crying? So fucking pathetic of me..

Why do I have to be this pathetic every single time?

Why do I keep doing dumb shit?

Why am I not worthy of someone's affection or care or love?

Right... I'm the asshole as always.. I ended up looking in the mirror laughing like a loser.

Just when I finally calm myself down I heard one of the bathroom stall open revealing a messy hair hanni and a shy minji.

I laughed, "did you guys just make out in there?"

"Ehem! We.. Were.. Yeah okay we did! But we heard footsteps going here so we just... Anyways, is there something going on?" Hanni asked with worry.

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