{11. Drunk (M)}

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( Mature content ahead )
(If it isn't your cup of tea you can Ofcourse skip, the choice is yours)
( Minjeong's Pov )

"So that's why karina had to fake date heeseung?"

"Mhm.." Jimin nodded as she handed out candy to one of the kids.

Jimin and I ended up buying ice cream and some snacks for the children at the foster care, we were now at the playground and she started to explain on why and how karina and winter were in a 'fight'.

"And karina Didn't tell winter the reason first beforehand?" I asked, confused.

"Nope." Jimin smiled a thin line.

"Well -" interrupting me, a kid tugs on jimin's pants, asking her innocently. "Are you an angel?"

She looked at me awkwardly then looked back to the kid, "w-what?" She smiled confusingly, then the little kid came to me and pointed her finger to jimin, "Miss! Are you dating an angel!?"

We both looked at eachother and bursted out laughing. I got on my knees to pat the toddler's head, "what's your name?" I asked.


"Hmm.. Eunchae-yah, you see this beautiful lady there sitting?" I pointed back to jimin who was a bit red from what I said, "yeah! The angel!"

"Well she's actually too good for me."
I smiled looking down at Eunchae humming in agreement. "Hm.. Your right! That angel is too gorgeous!"

"But you know what?" I laughed seeing the kid's curious face.

"I'm going to try with all my power to be worthy of that angel right there."

I whispered to Eunchae, her face full of smug, looking at jimin Making her do the "huh?" Face.


"Hey, you guys should stop talking about me and lets give the rest of the candys o-okay!?" Karina stood up and gave Eunchae a candy.

So.. Cute.. I looked at her embarrassed/flustered face.

( Third Person Pov )

Winter, minjeong, karina, jimin, and miss tiffany were at the dining table : invited to eat Before they leave first as a thank you for Helping them do the vitamin injections.

"You really don't have to do all this miss tiffany, we were just on our way out.. We feel bad..-" A ton of food like, chicken, gimbap, beef, kimchi, vegetables, were on the table made my tiffany.

"Well I certainly want to eat so.. Don't mind if I do!" winter ready'd up herself into the feast making all of us laugh.

"So.. Jimin and karina yes?" tiffany started the conversation. "I heard both of you were transferred from Los Angeles?"

The two sisters look at eachother before jimin continued, " Yes actually, We're from korea, but we had to move to LA because of work our parents had to do.. And now we're back here to study for a bit."

"Ah.. I see, now what I am curious about is.. Well how do I say.." tiffany stopped to think for a moment. "Oh! Minjeong here is going to be a photographer, and winter a guitarist, what about you two?"

"Why are you interrogating them?"
Winter asked while munching on the roasted chicken.

"I'm like your mother right?" Tiffany laughed. "I would love to know what kind of people my daughters are dating." and with that last sentence everybody was coughing on their food.

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