{ 4. Plans }

159 12 1

| Minjeong's Pov|

"Is she gonna text me?" I asked to myself while looking up at my phone as I was in bed.

"You don't have her number or something?" Winter responded, still eating the ramen we ordered because of what I promised earlier.

"I gave her mine.. I'm just waiting for her.. Ooh by the way, did you find a singer for the school fest?"

There was a special festival that the school hold every once in a while, winter was in a band for it, lead guitar I Guess.. And she was looking for a singer to fill in yunjin, the singer in the band who was a bit sick so she couldn't sing.

"Not yet.. We did put up posters for that though."

I hummed in response, and yelped as my phone rung causing it to fall on my face in surprised.

"Unknown number? It must be jimin! Winter! She's calling me!!" I picked up my phone and showed to winter.

"Then just pick it up or something?" She said as she rolled her eyes.

I got up and picked up the call button, and I swore that my ears were hearing the most sweetest sound just from jimin calling my name.


Holy shit.

"Y-yeah? Didn't expect you to call.. What's up?"

I turned the phone call to speaker as I placed it on the table Next to me so winter could hear, "Help me" I mouthed to her and she nodded placing down her guitar to sit next to me.

"So.. You know that tutor thing? I was wondering if you could go to mine and tutor me after school?" Jimin said.

I looked at winter and she mouthed
"Accept it".

"Yeah sure, I'll wait infront of your class considering your class ends a bit later than mine."

"Okay.. Oh and you should ask winter to come with you, the more people the better right?" Jimin said with a teasing tone at the end.

Winter nudged me and pointed to her guitar gesturing she has to practice for the school festival.

"Oh.. Uhm I Don't know if winter can come, she has a practice for the school festival."

"Oh... Wait.. Isn't Rina also singing for the school fest?"

Me and winter looked at eachother in confusion. "what?" We said together unconsciously.

"Oh is winter there?"

Winter slapped my shoulder regretting what she said.

"Uhm.. Yeah, hi... But what do you mean karina's also singing?"

"I think she saw a sign saying 'singer needed' and immediately signed up for it?.. I heard she's going with a band?"

"Yeah, I think so.. I'm the lead guitar for the band, and we were looking for a singer and I think the poster that karina saw was ours." winter replied.

"Well that's convenient. Maybe you guys could rehearse together? Bring your guitar."

Winter looked at me with a hesitant look on her face.

I looked at her back with a reassuring smile, "yeah, winters gonna come for sure." Then she sighed in surrender.

"Great! I guess i'll see you guys tomorrow?"

"Yep! Tomorrow, Goodnight jimin its getting late, you should sleep."

"Alright, alright, you should too okay?Good night minjeong."


A/N : just a short one for today :(

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