{3. Feelings (2)}

181 15 4

| Jimin's Pov|


I walked to the school's garden.. It reminded me of one of those scenes in movies where you reach the end of a story and finally relax, its Beautiful really.

Rows of sunflowers, dandelions formed in such perfect lines, I sit on the bench that was in the center of the garden as my head looked up to the sky while my eyes were closing, I think this is going to be my favorite spot for sure.

After a few minutes of me just relaxing I heard a camera shutter from my right startling me, I opened my eyes and there I saw a girl... Minjeong, standing with her Right eye shut and her left looking through the camera.

"S-sorry!" She yelped softly while I just giggle at her actions.

She shyly walked up to me and lifted her hand infront of me gesturing for a handshake, "u-uhm i'm Minjeong.."

I stood up and shook her hand in response, "yea hanni told me about you.. I'm jimin, Yu jimin."

"How do you know hanni? Oh right she told me she was going to show the new students the school area stuff.." After she said that, I think she noticed on how long we were shaking hands so she quickly let go and her eyes start darting everywhere as if she's nervous.

So cute..

"Mind telling me why you were taking pictures of me minjeong?" I asked as I lowered my head to see her almost red face looking down at the ground avoiding my eye contact.

"I- uhm.. I'm sorry, its just that I thought you were so pretty and I really have a hobby of taking pictures of pretty things so I was like 'oh she's so pretty I got to take a picture of her' and you know what I don't even know why I'm telling you this because oh my god this is so embarrassing-"

"Hey! Slowdown!.." I said chuckling seeing her ramble nonstop.

She scratched the back of her neck due to the feeling of awkwardness I think?

"Show me the picture?"

"H-huh? I don't know.. I'm not really that good so I'm afraid you wont like it."

Just Right when she avoided my eye contact I swiftly took her camera and sat down the bench behind me.


I smiled as I looked at the photo, she has talent, the way she just took one picture but the contrast, light, focus, everything was on point was really impressive.. Now I know I'm not one to talk about camera stuff but I know a thing or two from my mother's modeling business.

She took the camera and cleared her throat being all shy..

"Anyways.. What classes do you have?" She broke the silence.

"Well.. My classes are exactly the same as my sister minus the music, so if I'm correct, I have science first, then english, math, history, and lastly P.E"

"Oh.. And your.. 17?"

"Flattered, but I'm actually 18"

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