{2. Feelings}

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|Karina's Pov|


Me and my older sister jimin, moved out of LA and went to Korea because our dad told us to, reason? Something our dad definitely hid from us, something that he didn't want us to know.. he told us "its okay.. You guys can study in korea and once 'everything' is over, you guys can comeback, I cant tell you anything first but I promise.. Everything will go back to normal."

And before we could say anything else, "j-just trust me on this okay?.. We already packed all of your stuff that you need so don't need to worry, Jimin you take care of your sister, the two of you be good, I believe in the both of you." He continues cupping both of our cheeks before signaling our maids to take us to the airport.

It was a bit much for me and my sister, but we knew what our father did was the best decision made for the sake of us.

We knew our father has.. Problems.. Like being addicted to drinking, weed, gambling.. All of the above, even though he is the most successful business man in LA I guess everybody has their flaws, but even in all that surface, he still has a good heart in him, he cares about his family, and he wants to protect it.. Its just.. Hard when he has that 'illness' in him.

We landed in korea, the air really was that cold just like I remembered it was when we used to live here 7 years ago, but couldn't anymore because of our dad wanting to completely move to LA.

"Damn it! I should have used a coat."
I heard my sister whine, "told you so."

"Shut it, do you have the hotel information?"

"Yeah its.. 20 ish minutes from here if we take a uber, ill order right now~"

"Okay.. After we sort our stuff at the hotel we'll go to the school alright?"

"SCHOOL!???- ouch" I yelped as she hit my shoulder with her phone.

"Shh! Don't scream, and yeah.. That's half the reason why we are here right? We'll only walk around the school first and get to know the teachers."

"Aaah fine."

After a few hours of tidying up the hotel and resting, we took a 13 minute walk from the hotel to the school which was a bit convenient but tiring knowing me and jimin get tired easily.

We stood infront of the highschool and damn.. It was big, I don't even Think I could memorize the class places at this rate.

"How are we going to find the principals office..." Jimin muttered under her breath.

"Hey!" A loud voice ghosting up from behind us made us jump.

"I'm sorry, I have that habit of scaring people first time meeting them" the stranger girl said before she continues, "anyways, the teacher said to me to be on the look out for two new students that looked like Identical twins.. And looks like I found you."

"Uhm.. Yeah I guess we are identical, and.. New.. But could you at least tell us your name?" I said backing up away while pulling jimin with me just because she was very VERY close.

"Oh! Yeah sorry about that, i'm hanni!"

"Well this is jimin, and I'm karina.. We  both look alike but we actually have an age gap of just 1 years old, she's 18 and I'm 17."

"Ah I see.. You guys remind me of some sibling here.. But nevermind-"

The sudden change of mood made me more curious but I couldn't really say anything knowing we Literally just met.

"C'mon ill take you guys to the principals office!!" She said as she walked away leaving me and jimin having no choice but to follow her.

"Now the walk is gonna be a bit long and boring so ill just tell you guys a story and history of the people here" hanni smiled brightly.

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