𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐- 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫

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May 23, 2022

"We're leaving, meet me in the car in five minutes." Dad said as he waited by the door. I was fixing myself for my eighth-grade graduation, realizing that this was a significant and treasured day for me, and I had to feel special, the most gifted that I've ever felt in a while. "I need a moment." I admitted, my voice toned with pure honesty. "That's fine, I'll be waiting for you. Let me know if you need anything." Dad pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead and smiled cordially when he left the house. I applied a coat of gloss on my lips and stared at my reflection, reminiscing sixth grade, seeing how much I've grown. Ripples formed on the surface of the mirror and my younger self resurfaced, smiling ear to ear at the teenaged version who accomplished her dreams. I did this for her, and I would do it all over again if it meant that I made someone proud. Pride is my strength, and it drives me to my resilience that I should hold onto forever.

At school, the students were in their respective classrooms waiting for the commence of the graduation ceremony. Their ears buzzed with suspense, tinnitus humming in their ears and the back of their head. Where will we go?  "Everyone, you will be lining up in alphabetical order to leave. I will give all of you these paper slips that I have in my hand, and these have your seat numbers on it; when we get to the gym you will have to sit in the seat that is assigned to you. Do you understand me?" My fourth period teacher, Ms. Fox stated. "Yes ma'am." The students echoed. Ms. Fox moved up to the students one by one. "Here you go." Ms. Fox gave the paper slip to me, and I held it by my side until it was time to go.

Milena Sofia Hernandez-
   Row 3: Seat 118

The gymnasium was spirited with red and golden streamers and montages. The lower grade levels clapped for us as we paraded passed them. Students dispersed out of the lines when they were inside the gymnasium, to look for their seats and their friends. I sat in my seat and watched everyone repeat the same steps I did. I wanted to see my friends, but I knew they weren't close to finding me. I sat alone and watched the rows fill in. A set of hands squeezed my shoulders, and I looked behind me and found Jia, beaming with excitement. "Hi you look pretty Mili!" She glimpsed at my light pink checkered romper. "How are you doing?" She asked. "I'm nervous to walk across that stage but I'm happy to be here and with you." The feeling was bittersweet, and I couldn't contain or escape the triumph my face exposed. The morose feeling was solvated, there was peace with the milestone we achieved now. "So am I and I'm so far, look where I'm sitting." She showed me that her seat was across the gym, on the right side. Our groups were huge, but we were a group of two, divided only by the aisle. I was on the left and she was on the right. "I'll see you on the other side." Jia whispered, as she gave my shoulder one last squeeze.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the class of twenty twenty-two graduation, I am the principal, Mrs. Carolina and I want to congratulate our students on their hard work and efforts they put into finishing this school year. They have successfully completed their three years of middle school and they couldn't have done that without the motivation and love of each and every one of the parents that are present today." Mrs. Carolina initiated, ensuing the boisterous applauds and praises of the audience. "We are proud to deliver this next chapter of their lives and we hope that they can fulfill their hopes and dreams that they have for their futures. Let's begin." The audience composed their hysteria and adjusted their positions for the graduation progression.

The first group of the eighth-grade team, the Aces, stepped forward, and as they were called to the principal's podium, the crowd chanted their names in blissful cheers and ovations. The morale of the audience stimulated the gymnasium, and the students harmoniously received their certificates with grace. They embraced their teachers and dismissed them with the simplicity of sincere smiles even when their hearts were destructed by the pressure they suffered through the years.

"Kamari Diaz." "Jia Chang."

"Lauren Santiago."

I clapped exuberantly when my friends received their awards, I was delighted seeing the pride that shone on their faces. Merriment coursed through my veins as I clapped for my friends and their achievements. They were fearing that the assignments they were given would end them, but they reached their endgame, and I was prouder than ever for them. They deserved this and more.

The second group of the eighth-grade team, The Boas, formed a line leading to the stage and I stood, waiting anxiously for my turn as the students in front of me accepted their awards. I was getting closer and closer, and the sea of faces in the audience daunted me, but the fire that burned within me fueled power.

"Milena Hernandez."

My family and friends were a vast support system for me as I stridden along the stage, having all eyes on me and my most honored moment yet. I wouldn't forget those final steps I took towards my future, not a piece of paper. Those are the final steps of the first semester of my youth. This was the start and I had to finish it the finest way that I could in decades to come. I shook hands with Mr. Brown, Mr. Dave who was my world history teacher. "Congratulations." They said in low voices when they saw me. Then came Ms. Fox and I could feel that we had a lengthier embrace, one brush that she clinged onto and we weren't as affectionate as I thought we had been. We couldn't release us before we moved on to next place of our lives. I pined for an embrace from my favorite teacher, Mrs. Chamberlain. My lasting memories held onto her tighter for a short time. Lastly, I retraced my steps back to my chair, where the memory had begun, and I let the past and present interwind.

After sitting in quiet isolation, I stepped outside to the patio with my family, where families actively united with their graduates to snap memories.  We were a genial clustered mess, filming and celebrating our breakthroughs. Me and Jia were captured in the middle of the world, in our red and pink chromas with adolescent joy. We gave each other a final hug and stored our friendship in the arteries of our hearts. One of my heart strings broke from that discourse.

I felt myself disintegrate from the next sight of Lucian, the last one. I couldn't speak to him as his family took pictures with him and Marcelo. I didn't know what was going to happen to us. I didn't know if I was going to see him again. If I would have to wait for him to like me again because he didn't say goodbye to me at all. How was I supposed to let him go? I hated that I felt like this, for a person who doesn't and will not care about my wellbeing from now on as I did for his. I hated that I fell in so deep. Was this love?  How could I stop like time?

Trying to comfort myself
I tell myself the world can't be perfect
I start to let myself go
The thundering applause, I can't own it forever
I tell myself, so shameless
Raise your voice higher
Even if the attention isn't forever, I'll keep singing
As today's me, I want eternity
Forever, I want to be young

Forever we are young

Under the flower petals raining down
I run, so lost in this maze

Forever we are young

Even when I fall and hurt myself
I endlessly run toward my dream

Forever ever ever ever
(dreams, hopes, forward, forward)

Forever ever ever ever
We are young.

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