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I woke up feeling like trash, it's now Saturday morning so I don't have school, as I get up and walk to the bathroom to wash my face, I hear my phone ring.

"Hey Hannie" I say as I answer the phone.

"Lixieee, so I was thinking...would you like to go shopping today? You know, like we always do" Han said on the other side of the phone.

"Okay...when are we going?" I ask him.

"In 10 minutes, I'm leaving now" He said excitedly.

"Oh okay, I may take a little longer since I literally JUST got up" I say to him.

"Bitch get moving, I ain't gonna wait for you" He said with a sassy tone.

" Yeah yeah, whatever, see youuu" I hung up and quickly hopped in the shower, once I finished I got dressed, wearing light brown cargo pants with an oversized black hoodie, lastly I put on some concealor over my freckles, another insecurity of mine. When I finished I left the house, not bothering to say anything to my parents, and I got in Han's car.

"Hey Lix, you ready?" He said to me smiling.

"Yeah, let's go" I returned the smile.

As soon as we arrived at the mall Han dragged me into his favourite shop.

"OMG FELIX" He looked at me with a surprised face showing me a cute skirt.

"Ew no, don't even think about it" I said making a disgusting face knowing exactly what he's thinking.

"Pleaaaaase, for me, please?" He said doing a little pout as he handed the skirt to me.

"Okay fine, but don't expect me to buy it or show it" I said rolling my eyes as I got the skirt and went into the changing room.

The skirt was white, decorated with little drawings on it. It covered just my thighs so I was thankful for that. I took a glance of myself in the mirror and quickly got dressed in my own clothes again. When I came out of the dressing room, Han was waiting in front of it, he looked at me and smiled.

"So do you like it?" He said with a smirk.

"No, told you already" I said as I walked to leave the skirt where it was.

"Ugh okay, so grumpy" He said as he pouted.

"Yeah I know, so, did you find anything for yourself?"

"Nope, I already came when they had the same clothes, they haven't changed it since last time so I already tried some stuff before"

"Oh okay. So, what's the plan?" I said to him as we walked out of the shop.

"You wanna have breakfast?" He said.

"Oh...sure, but I'm not really hungry, I already had breakfast at home" I said nervous.

"Okay, then just a smothie is fine right?"

"Yeah sure"

We went to get a smothie and sat down to drink it, then it happened.

"OMG Felix don't you dare turn around" Han said lowering his head.

"Why?" I said as I did exactly what I was told not to.

"FELIX, WHY would you turn around when I literally JUST said not to??" He said with gritted teeth.

I seriously didn't know why I couldn't turn around, I didn't see anything unusual, just "the" Hwang Hyunjin with a group of boys.

"I just see Hyunjin there, what's so important that I can't turn around?" I raised an eyebrow at Han.

"The fuck do you mean JUST Hyunjin, first of all, I remind you that you bumped into him so he probably hates you, second, it's not only him, there's Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Bang Chan, Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin with him, so no, it's not JUST Hyunjin" He said.

"Gosh, how do you even know their full names? You are so obsessed with gossip and popularity" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I mean yes, you are not wrong, but HELLO? Have you seen them? They are literal gods"He sai biting his lip.

"Okay ew, no they are not, and let me guess, you like one of them, do you?" I said looking at him as I corssed my arms.

"You know me so well Lix, yes, in fact I do" He said nodding his head.

"Let me guess, the boy with cat features and black hair?" I said as I turned around to see them better.

"I love you so much" He said dramaticly putting his hand on his heart.

"So, why do you like him? What's his name? How old is he? Who's his bestfriend? Is he single? What's his height?" I said in a joke tone.

"Because he's hot and kind, he's Lee Minho born on the 25th of October, he's 20 years old, his bestfriend is Hyunjin, he's in fact single and he's 5′ 9 feet tall (175 cm)" He said with a neutral face.

"The fuck, you really are obsessed" I said to him.

"FUCK" He said as he covered his face.

"What now?" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"He saw us, Hyunjin, he saw us" He said with his head still lowered.

"Okay, and? So now we are gonna get beaten to death by this rich brat just because he saw us and I bumped into him like a week ago?" I said crossing my arms.

"I don't know, do you want to?" I heard a voice behind me that made me freeze.

I slowly turned my head just to see the last person I wanted to see, Hyunjin. He was smiling sarcasticly at me as he had his arms crossed.

"Let me repeat it since you didn't answer, would you like to get beaten to death by a rich brat who you bumped into a week ago?" He said as he put a hand on my shoulder leaning to my eye level.

I just stood there, scared of what could happen next, I just stared at him with big eyes and clenched lips.

"N-no..." I muttered.

"You sure? You really looked like you wanted to seconds ago" He said smiling again sarcasticly.

"Yes, I'm sure" I said now lowering my head.

"Good, well anyways, I just came to ask for your friends number, my best friend's interested" He said giving a phone with a cat phonecase to Han.

I was now looking at a red Han who was blushing hard at the words of the black haired boy.

"Oh a yeah I'm interested too..." He said as he grabbed the phone putting his number in it.

"Yeah thanks, bye now" Hyunjin said as he started to leave with the phone."Oh and you, blondy, don't be such a bitch next time"He said as he winked at me jokingly, I hope.

"The fuck's wrong with him? I've literally talked to him twice and I already hate him" I said looking at Han.

"I think the feeling's mutual" He said nodding slowly.

"So...you just got Minhoe's number, how you feeling?" I said smirking at him.

"Okay his name's not Minhoe, his Minho, but I'll forgive you since you're Australian, but I'm feeling butterflies and I feel like I'll die any minute now from just excitment" He squealed.

"I'm so glad to hear that Hannie, maybe he's the one" I said wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"I wish and I hope he's the one" He said sighing.

"Come on, let's go now, I'm tired of siting around and talking about those losers" I said geting up.

"Hey be nice, he's gonna be my husband one day" He said proudly.

"You've never even talked and you're already thinking about marriage? Really?" I looked at him with a 'really' face.

"Yes, you got a problem with that, chick?" He said as he got up and leaved the cafe with me by his side. We have this thing that he calls me chick because I look like one, and I call him squirrel since he stores his food in his cheeks when he eats.

"Yes, squirrel"

Am I worth it? //Hyunlix//Where stories live. Discover now