Chapter 4: Bellflower

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After walking a few distance away from the brothel with the men carrying Kuchel behind you, you noticed that Levi is walking sluggishly, he was gasping for air. It looked like he'd trip any minute. Of course, the poor boy hasn't eaten in days, he doesn't have energy.

You squeeze his hand and he looks up at you. You smile at him "We're almost there" he nodded so you started walking again. You'd give him water but you don't have any right now and you're definitely not going to ask around for one. You know how dirty the water here is.

After some steps, Levi tripped but he balanced himself thanks to you holding his hand. It's getting harder for him to walk. You get an idea. You sat on your heels in front of him, your back facing him. He looks at you questioningly. You look back at him over your shoulder and smile comfortingly "Hop on, I'll carry you so you don't trip" he hesitated for a second but he eventually climbed on your back.

You could feel his bony chest inflating and deflating rapidly against your back. You'd better hurry.

Soon, you're walking up the stairs that's going to take you to the entrance/exit. You feel Levi shift on your back. "Are you really taking me aboveground?" He asked, almost whispering. He must be parched.

"Yes" you answer him softly.

"Are you going to sell me there?" Your heart broke. He must really not trust anyone. If he had awakened his Ackerman power, he'd probably have kicked you out already. You're hoping he never has to awaken that power, considering that awakening it involves a life-threatening situation and it is often traumatizing.

"No," you begin "I'm going to send you to school so you'll learn. I'm going to provide for you until you're old enough to work and you can provide for yourself. I just hope I make enough money to sustain both of us here.

"Why would you do that? I'm not your kid" he said weakly like he's convinced you'll abandon him now.

"I know that, but I was close to your mother and I promised her I would take care of you if anything ever happens to her" You're amazed that you can come with a lie that fast without blinking. Levi is quiet for a while...

"Are you my aunt?" God no. What in the Targaryen situation is that? Wait what the fuck?! Ew! Where did that even come from? You internally scold yourself for even letting that thought enter your mind. This Levi is a child, one you have to raise "in the right way" so he doesn't suffer any trauma other than the pain of losing his mother, because you were late to get there. This is not the 5'3 tall adult Levi whom you would let do unspeakable things to you, feminism be damned.

"Are you?" He asks again. Right, he asked you a question.

"No, I'm just a close friend of hers" if his silence is an indication, he was satisfied with your answer.

Soon, you stood on the upper end of the stairs where some MPs and some civilians stood. Right, they're checking for citizenship. You lower your upper body so Levi could get off.

One of the MP looks at Levi up and down, it made the child get behind you and he loosely gripped on your pants. "Citizenship?" The MP asked. You knew where Levi's was, but do you have your own with you? You feel around your pockets again and you found it on your chest pocket. You put both on the table.

The MP's eyebrows scrunched. Oh no. Something's wrong with the document, isn't it? "Who's Levi?" He asked. And you look down at Levi, he's still hiding behind your leg.

"This kid" you pointed at him.

"What's his surname?"

"Acke- choo!" You faked a sneeze before you could blurt out his surname. You remembered the scene where Kenny says 'Ackerman' is name not every one wants to have and your gut feeling says you shouldn't name Levi that either.

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