Chapter 3: Cedar

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Reality is so much different than the manga or the anime. You've been in this point of view before through Kenny. You look at the kid in front of you then your eyes wander to examine the room. It was very dirty. On one side of the room, there was a coffee table and atop it were some plates, cutlery, teacups, and saucers. They were strewn about and there were several flies hovering above it. Next to the bed side is a small table with a barely lit lamp atop it. This room is empty! How did your Levi survive for several days?

Your tears flowed the more you examine the room, taking in the living circumstances of the boy in front of you.

Your eyes fall back to his fragile form again. He was still dressed in that tattered barely recognizable white cloth that hang too loosely on his body, the same one in the manga you just read, if not worse. He must've been starving for days. To top it all of, he lost his mother. No wonder he looked like he was ready to give up on life. that why he never came out of this room? Was Was he just waiting for death to take him too? The thought breaks you and your sobs turned into a full blown cry. Forgetting his aversion to touch, you lunged and took his bony body in your arms. "I'm sorry" you managed to mutter.

His body felt...prickling against yours. You weren't surprised considering he's just skin and bones. You hold him tighter but careful enough to not break him. He was so fragile. Your chin rested on his tiny shoulder and you nuzzled. You notice he stinks but you didn't care. This was Levi, your Levi, albeit a child. Right then and there you decided: you don't care if this is a dream or reality, you would do anything to save the fragile boy in your arms.

Guilt then wash over you when you thought of "saving" him. You should've come earlier. You should've taken the conversation that took place in your dream more seriously. You should've made your wish more clear. If you had come before he lost his mother, he wouldn't be this...lifeless and unresponsive. He wouldn't have just sat here waiting for his death.

"I'm so sorry" you muttered again, your tears now wetting his shoulder. "I should've come sooner" You really fucking should have. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Levi" you said while holding him tighter.

You heard the boy rasp. Shit you're probably suffocating him. You pulled away and looked at him. "Why...why do you know me?" His low voice asked.

You were taken aback. Shit. How were you going to explain how you know him. You can't just tell him 'oh I just watched and read your life story'. "I knew your mother" you lied through your teeth, wiping your tears away.

"She's dead" he said flatly and you feel the corner of your eyes sting again.

"I know," you sighed "and I'm so sorry I didn't get here in time." He just stared up at you, his expression unreadable. "I'm gonna get you out of here" you said cautiously. His eyes widened then they darted to his mother's corpse. Of course, he wouldn't just leave her here. "We'll bring your mother too" you smiled comfortingly at him.

"She has debt." he muttered.

Shit. You forgot that's how these brothels worked. Do you have enough money to pay for her debt? Who the fuck knows but Levi didn't need to know that. So instead, you reach out, cautiously, to pat his head. Huh. He didn't pull away. You smiled at him. "Don't you worry about that. I'm gonna go talk to the keeper for a bit, okay? Wait here." He just stared at you. With that you walk out of the room to talk to the master of the house.


"Can you pay her debt?" He asked, showing you papers with numbers written on it, detailing Kuchel's debt. Shit. You're sure you don't have that money, at least, not right now. Seeing your expression, the old man smirked. "Olympia's not getting out of here" he snickered.

Damn. What do you do? You thought for a while. Then an idea came to mind and you returned the man's smirk with your own. You went close to his face. "Were you aware that Olympia's dead?" The man's eyes widened. Ah. So he didn't know.


"She's dead, well, been dead for several days now" You observed his reaction: shocked. "How do you think your wokers would feel that their caretaker couldn't even be bothered to check on one woman, who probably worked here for a long time, the woman whom he knew was sick but he was too neglectful that the woman ended up dying. Oh dear," you gasp theatrically "the scandal. What would your workers say?" You eye some of the workers sitting not far from behind him.

The man stayed quiet. You continue your threat "I can already hear the tale: 'poor Olympia, she died all alone without anyone knowing' 'but why did she die?' 'Probably got sick' 'she died of hunger' 'poor Olympia must've been neglected by the caretaker'." You pulled back to look at him, he was red with anger and his jaw is clenched. "You know, I passed by a lot of other brothels on my way here, some were certainly in good conditions than this dump"

The man was gritted his teeth "You wouldn't dare..." he threatened.

You shrugged and turn around, missing the relieved look on the man's face but it was short-lived when you clapped twice, calling everyone's attention "hey everyone!" you started. "You'd be interested to know that Oly-" before you could finish, the man got in front of you, his face grim but also...defeated.

Everyone was looking at the two of you. The man cleared his throat and ordered his workers to get in their rooms. "So do we have a deal?" You asked, smirking in victory. The man nodded. "Good" You nodded in approval as well. "And while we're at it, do you have any male workers? I can't possibly carry her all the way" the man grunted, he was fuming in anger you were expecting to see smoke come out of him. "Well? You know these walls aren't really that thick and they can hear me if I shout about your negli-"

"Fine!" the man gritted through his teeth. You smiled brightly and walk past him to walk towards Kuchel's room.

You noticed Levi peeking from the curtains but he quickly ran back to the room when he saw you were walking back. How cute.

You walked in the room and saw he was in the same spot you left him, his shoulders rose and fell rapidly. Damn it. You wish you at least had water with you. You walked to him then crouched so you're on his level. You hold out your hand "Come on, we're getting out of here" He was hesitant. He looks at his mother's corpse again.

As if on cue, the caretaker walked in the room with two men following him, carrying a stretcher. "Help this woman get Olympia out of here to wherever the fuck she plans to take her to, with no questions asked. And you'd better not tell anyone of this incident" You nodded in approval. He walked out of the room, cursing under his breath.

You look at Levi, raising your eyebrows at him in question, you held out your hand again and this time he took it. The men approached the bed, one on the foot end, the other on the head. When they were about to reach for the body, you notice Levi grimaced. "Wait!" You ordered the men.

Of course, Levi would want his mother's last days on Earth, untouched. "I'll move her to the stretcher". Levi looked at you, his eyes wide. You smiled at him and crouch next to the body. You hook your arm under her back, the other hooked under his knees, then you lift her up. She weighed like a feather but oh god the stench. It's literally a rotting corpse and it took everything you have not to vomit right then and there.

Finally, you laid her gently on the stretcher the two men held. You covered her body with a blanket. You looked at Levi and he was looking at his mother's corpse. "Let's go?" You held your hand in front of him so he could hold it and he did.

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