Chapter 6: Cinquefoil

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Alright, you've searched the house thoroughly and because you're thorough you came upon what you assumed was a safe. It's not like the safes in your world. It didn't require a combination to open it, instead there were complicated “contraptions” attached to it that you had to move in the correct sequence to get it to open. Funnily enough, it reminded you of the karakiri that Conan, (a Sherlockian character in another anime you've watched) from time to time, would stumble upon while solving cases. The metal making up the safe didn't look as strong as the ones you had seen from your world but you figured in this world, that safe is probably hard to break. 

Weirdly enough, you knew the trick to opening the safe like the back of your hand. It contained important documents your parents owned, including the details of the coffeeshop. It turns out, you have another branch inside Sina. Apparently, your parents started it as a simple bakery and it just grew. 

You also found your birth certificate and it turns out, you're 16 in this world, turning 17 this year (you're in your 20s in your real world). Wow, you're not even of legal age but you're raising a kid. Is this allowed here? Are there no social workers around here or something. Then again, the EMA trio were only 15 when they started working in the scouts so you're probably already of legal age in this world. 

In the safe located behind your desk, (yeah, you were very thorough) you found a lot of money in it. Maybe you are rich, well, probably not enough to make you an aristocrat but rich enough to ensure Levi would get anything he needed. Guess you wouldn't have to work that hard to give that happy life to him. You own two successful coffee shops for pete's sake…but then what the fuck are you doing in the scouts if your future is already secured? Yeah, you really should've made your wish more concrete. Oh, you also found out you don't have any siblings based on the documents. 

But that remains to be seen considering there's a man in front of you, standing half-naked in your kitchen. He had a towel wrapped around his waist and another towel patting his hair. He came out of the bathroom out of the blue making you stand frozen on the spot while holding a glass of water. He looks like he's around your age. Is he your brother? 

He smirked at you and spoke “Like what you see?” Who the fuck are you?! You wanted to shout but that would weird him out if he really is your brother. But wait… brothers don't say those to their sisters. Okay, maybe he's not your brother but he seem like he knew you well, which leaves… oh no. 

Is he your boyfriend or something?!

Which you wouldn't totally mind if he is. You just saw his body and…he's quite…hot? The water droplets rolling down on his muscled tanned skin, droplets coming from his wet-, fuck, -white hair?! Are you kidding me?! Wait, does he have blue eyes? You checked (discreetly as you could) Okay, no, he had a pair of olive-green eyes. He's taller than you, almost towering over you. Is he hotter than adult Levi? Okay, that's not fair. That man had total reign over your mind, body and soul. 

You saw his mouth moving but you're too stunned to make out what he's saying. You saw his hand reaching for you and you instinctively take a step back. “-ou okay?” You can finally hear his words “you look shocked to see me” he added. You still couldn't respond so he called your name again. 

“Yes?” You answer, blinking rapidly as if you had just returned to reality. He raised his eyebrows at you as though asking if you're okay. “Uh, yeah” you blink again. “I just woke up so I'm still half-asleep I guess” you smile sheepishly. 

“Well I brought coffee and breakfast” he said pointing to the dining table that now had two coffee mugs and some assorted pastries on top of it. Why the fuck is he bringing you breakfast? Your suspicion is getting stronger by the second. But no! That's weird. Even if he is your boyfriend, you don't know him! Oh god…he didn't sleep with you last night, did he? You don't recall feeling anyone lying next to you last night, but then again, you were passed out like a log. 

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