Chapter 1

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I sincerely hope you read the description


You sat in your room, bawling your eyes out. Your hand was pressing on some sort of a book with drawings in it, the title read ‘Bad Boy’. It was a sort of a prequel on your favorite anime show of all time; albeit “traumatizing” it had excellent and eye-opening plot. You liked the way it tugged on your morals. 

The particular book or manga featured the childhood life of one of your favorite characters by the name Levi. The manga elaborated on how he lived as a child, how he was with his mother, how he lost her, how he awakened his powers, why he liked tea and his particular way of holding a teacup, and why he is obsessed with cleanliness. 

You knew he had a rough childhood, it was hinted throughout the show and the author of the manga would give tidbits on this character's life. His obsession with cleanliness is taken as humor both in the show and in the fandom and his strength is taken for granted. You never imagined that both those main traits of his came from such traumatizing and devastating scenarios. 

When you first read the manga, you could not recognize your favorite character. He had softness and love in his gaze, specially when looking at his mother. It's quite a contrast to how you've seen him in the anime and manga. You've also never seen him cry or be so weak and helpless. Again, another contrast. One particular scene got to you; it was when his mother died and he was holding her hand. He was all skin and bones and he was dressed in a tattered clothing, too dirty to even pass for a rag. It hang just below his shoulders as it was too large on his tiny body. 

You break in tears again remembering that scene. How he looked, the expression on his face like he was hoping his mother would answer, his bony fingers holding his mom's. Oh how it broke you, you felt so bad for him. If he was there with you, you'd hug him until he's finally convinced he won't be alone even with his mom dead. You really wished you could be there for him right then and there so he never has to go through the following events in his life that you know would make his suffering worse. You would do anything for this man, well, currently a child in that book. You would be anything he needs and requires. You would give anything and everything if it meant he won't suffer anymore because you know how his life will turn out in the future: growing up as a criminal, losing two of his bestest friends, losing his comrades, his commander, Hange, his right eye and his legs; so many losses. You don't want that for him. 

Quietly, you laugh at yourself thinking you must be going insane for how you felt for a fictional character, someone that doesn't even exist. Maybe you would even go so far as saying you're in love with him. Wait, no. Is that even possible? Being so in love with someone who doesn't exist? Who's not even a real person? Okay, maybe you're not inlove with him. But still, if you could be there for him, you would. 

Heartbroken and cried out, you fell asleep, the book still cluthed in your hand. 

“Yes…” You heard yourself blurt out in your sleep. Soon, you're woken up by the cold wind grazing your skin. What were you saying 'yes' to? You tried to remember what you dreamed about but you couldn't. With your eyes still closed, you feel for your blanket but you couldn't reach it. You don't fail to notice how your supposedly smooth sheets felt like gravel under your touch. There's also a stench in the wind. What the hell, are you in a drainage system or something? Curious, you open your eyes. You blink…repeatedly. You rub your eyes with your hands furiously, trying to wake yourself up because if what you're seeing isn't a dream then you are going  insane. 

The sight before you is very…gloomy, for lack of a better word. You examine your surroundings and it's dark everywhere, barely lit. You see and hear people in the distance but you can barely make out what they're saying. You're definitely outside, or not in any shelter at least. You look up and you could not see the sky. There were some green things on the “ceiling”, almost like moss and they're sort of glowing? Have you seen those somewhere before? You're not sure where so you shrugged the thought. 

That stench hits your nose again and you grimace. You look around to find its source but you couldn't spot any. So you stood up to look around more, trying to make sense of where you are. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you're convinced you're dreaming, but it never hurts to wander around in a dream; specially one where you can easily control your body's movements. 

You examine the buildings, they look dull. There wasn't any color to them except the color of the dessert, almost. Some smaller than others, and some taller. It looks like a squatter's area. There's dirt and garbage everywhere, and boy do the place stink. You look further around and there were some sort of pillar-y things connecting the floor and the ceiling. You're sure you've been walking outside but where the hell is the sky?! You look up again, this time, you notice that the ceiling has some crevice on it and it's lumpy in some places. It almost looks like…soil? Are you in an underground establishment? You walk again and again you notice those green moss-y thingy scattered on the “ceiling”. 

You feel some eyes on you so you look around. Huh. The people dress very differently. Almost medieval but poorer. You notice their expression and they turn their gaze away once you meet their eyes. It's almost like…they're scared of you? Or hostile towards you? You really don't know. 

You cross your arms over your chest and you feel you have two layers of clothing covering you. You look down and you have a white button up shirt on and for some reason, there's a belt wrapped around just above your chest area. You also have a jacket on, a brown one at that. You run your finger on the fabric, huh, it's quite nice. You examine it, then you notice there's an image sewn on its left chest pocket. Some sort of wings, blue and white in color, the white wing overlapping the blue. Wait…you know this symbol! You'd recognize it anywhere. You look down to examine your full outfit. 

Then it hit you like a flood. The dirt, the stench, the houses, the green mossy thingy on the ceiling, wait, no, soil, and the significant lack of sky above. You know where you are. 

You're in the fucking underground city! 

The Right Wish (Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now