Chapter 2: The sharks of Clover Green High

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"The roots of Education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet." -Aristotle

Chapter 2:

He hated going to school. It seemed like a prison that only give you a taste of artificial freedom. How other students subjected themselves to weekday mental torture was beyond his comprehension – imagine sitting for hours and submitting yourself to the browbeating of the ugly and boring teachers five days a week? It was borderline crazy. If it wasn't for his grandfather, he would never set his foot on Clover Green High. Despite the fact that it was a fancy school where the rich and influential people sent their children, he abhor it. Well, not just Clover Green high but all schools, actually. God knew that he could have done a lot of things – things he considered productive – if he was not at school.

He could have just remained a ghost student if his grandfather didn't coerce him – well, using subtle blackmails. His grandfather was far too doting and loving to actually shout or threaten him.

'Tristan, I am dying. I will never be at peace knowing that my beloved grandson's future is cast in the dark' His grandfather told him; his voice sounded weak and hoarse.

Tristan would have believed that his jolly grandfather was merely playing a big joke on him but the ghastly paleness of his skin and the bluish tint on his lips were undeniable. His grandfather looked utterly emaciated in the hospital bed with a face mask on to pump oxygen into him and peripheral IV attached to his other hand. His face also seemed to age several years more since he left for Monaco to practice for an upcoming race next month.

'Pa, you will not die yet -- you are stronger than an MMA fighter.' He told him with a charming smile on his handsome face despite the fact that his heart was constricted with so much pain and worry. 'And I already have a future, I will be the best racer in the world. I get accepted in Lotus F1 Junior Team, if you must know.'

His grandfather frowned looking utterly disappointed and somewhat devastated with what he said. 'It is not want I want for you. We have companies and I want you to take over them. Racing is a very dangerous sport -- I cannot bear it if I lose another precious person in my life.'

Tristan paused at his grandfather's words. A cloud of memory came over his dark obsidian eyes. His father, James Tristan Somerset, was also an avid racer and he died while riding his newest Ferrari with his mother in Monaco when he was only 8 years old. It was supposed to be their eight wedding anniversary. What would have been a romantic escapade turned out to be a tragic one; what made things more tragic was that his mother was 3 months pregnant. He did not only lose his parents, he had also lose a sister or a brother.

'Tristan, son,' his grandfather called his attention.

'Pa,' he acknowledged his grandfather when the cloud of reminiscence went away.

'Promise me -- promise me that you will finish High school and enroll in college. Please...'

Tristan paused for a moment before he sighed in defeat and nodded, 'I promise, pa.'

If going to school would make his grandfather happy and healthy, then he would not object. He couldn't bear losing his grandfather – it seemed unthinkable. He had always thought that his grandfather was the strongest man on Earth – almost immortal. It shattered him so much to think that his grandfather would be taken away from him anytime. He was the only family that he had.

'Thank you,' his grandfather smiled, relief and hope reflected on his wrinkled face. For a moment, he looked younger and healthier.

Tristan sighed when he was done recalling his conversation with his grandfather. He buttoned the last one on his immaculately pressed white long-sleeved white polo before putting on his dark blue blazer embroidered with the distinctive Clover Green High logo on the right chest pocket. He put on his silver Rolex Submariner on his left wrist and his family ring, a heavy gold signet ring engraved with the Somerset family escutcheon - a harpy eagle with laurel leaves on both of its side - on his right ring finger before he went out of his spacious penthouse and pressed B for basement when he reached the elevator.

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