CHAPTER 12: Tensions and Thoughts

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"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." -Steve Jobs

Chapter 12:

"Tell me, Gordon, do you have a thing for the mousy lesbian Teresa?" Tristan asked Gordon bluntly the moment that his friend entered the Titans' Hub study.

Gordon was taken aback by Tristan's question that it took a moment for him to fully process it. He smirked and let out sarcastic laugh to cover his initial shock. "No, why would I?"

The Titans' Hub might had been renovated to give it a modern look and feel— suitable for the teenagers occupying it—however, the opulent and vintage furniture as well the expensive paintings that decorated it gave it a bit of an intimidating and oddly archaic feel. It was intimidating just like the pompous teenager who acted like an adult, sitting like a callous monarch who was addressing a lowly peasant. But cool arrogance had always been inherent to Tristan—it simply would not be Tristan if he was not being arrogant. A curve of derision lightly tapped Gordon's mouth at the thought.

"I notice that you are getting a bit too close with Teresa. I am beginning to think that your preferences have somewhat downgraded." Tristan said as he comfortably leaned deeper into the expensive gilded recliner with his legs crossed. The book shelves that surrounded the wide mahogany table and the glare coming from the screen of the Macintosh laptop casted Tristan's visage with eery shadows; the soft light coming from the crystal chandeliers even added to the macabre effect. A cold and calculating smile graced his mocking mouth as he scrutinized the taut person standing in front of him. 

An offended look crossed Gordon's expression but he immediately replaced it with an equally ironic smile. "Teresa is a very intelligent student... She is good with computers—I want her to join Galactica in the future."

Tristan gave his friend a skeptical smirk. "Hmmm... You are befriending her so that it will be easy for you to convince her to work for Galactica, huh? I admire your ingenuity—she is indeed a good prospective employee." He lazily caressed his chin, the cold look in his eyes never wavering. "Just make sure that you only think of her as that—your prospective employee and nothing else."

"Why are you telling me that—who is Teresa to you, anyway?" Gordon asked in a challenge, a hint of irritation was evident in his voice.

Tristan chuckled snidely. "She is my lesbian protégée. Should you have plans concerning Teresa, you need to consult and seek my approval first."

"Does she approve of it?" Gordon asked incredulously. "Or does she even know about it?"

"I don't need her approval—whether she likes it or not, she can't do something about it."

"Teresa is not a toy that you can play as you please!" Gordon spat angrily; his fists tightened.

"Did I say she is a toy? I said lesbian protégée." Tristan laughed humorously while clapping his hands as if he just watched an entertaining freak show. He swayed his index finger back and forth, and stated in a subtle yet threatening manner, "Why are you affected? I have actually envisioned several kinds of reaction from you but not the savage one that you are displaying right now, Gordon."

A look of regret suddenly came upon Gordon's face. "I'm sorry—my reaction is uncalled for."

"Overreaction," Tristan corrected with a sneer. He leaned back to the recliner and crossed his arms. "Just do as what I say and there will be no complications between the two of us in the future."

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