1 ~ The Hunt

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Valkyre POV

I stretched my elbow tightly backwards, pulling the tail of the arrow. My other hand held the bow straight, right in front of me, and I aimed at the apple far away from me, hanging on the stem of a tree. Bringing all the focus from the wind rustling against the tree leaves, the slight movements of my horse on which I was sitting, the darkness slowly eating the sky and my inner turmoil, I looked sharply at the apple.

It was fresh, deep red and had two leaves attached to it. I could see the fine details by looking closely at the things.

And, just when I was about to shoot the arrow.


The voice of an attendee startled me.

And I missed the target.

I immediately inhaled a deep breath of frustration.


I immediately turned back and looked at the soldiers walking towards me.

"It is time to head back home, it's getting dark,"

The lady in her late thirties exclaimed, and I exhaled with frustration. I ran away from them to hunt and run alone.

But, it was not going to be possible anytime soon.

"I want to stay,"

I said and adjusted another arrow on the bow.

"We are expecting guests. Her Grace told me to take you back before the dinner,"

She said. I remembered my mother telling me to come back from the dawn.

Honestly, I hated nothing but the boundaries.

And, suddenly, my strangely extra-sensitive ear heard them whispering.

"Yes, she is getting married soon,"

I blinked nervously as a wave of hurt and anger erupted into my body, and I aimed at the apple and shot it down.

I did not want to get married, not at the age of sixteen, not anytime sooner, never. I did not know why my parents wanted me to get married as quickly as possible. I did not know what they were afraid of. Was it because I was abnormal?

Were they scared of me for having higher senses than them?

Yes, I had high senses; I could hear the slightest of noise and smell the mildest of fragrances, my body had strange powers that made my wounds heal so quickly, my eyes sometimes changed colour, and the worst was that I occasionally felt possessed.

I felt as if someone was trying to take control of me.

"We need to leave princess,"

The attendee said again, and I inhaled a deep breath, calming myself down. It was alright if my parents wanted to marry me off to someone. Being a good daughter, I would do that.

Suddenly, a cold breeze touched my body, and a slight smile appeared. I did not know, but sometimes I feel I belong here, in the dense forests, around rivers, in nature. The walls of the Kingdoms seem like a cellar to me.

I opened my eyes and kept my bow and arrows behind my back.

I glared one more time around me, the trees, the smell of mud and rain, the energy of this place, and the noise of insects before suddenly leaving.

Like fresh rain in the garden of roses, a sharp smell travelled through my nose, and I felt jolts of spark and a strong shiver in my body.

My eyes immediately tried to look beyond the trees, the long grasses, and through the darkness to see where this smell was coming from. It was a smell that was bringing goosebumps to my body and slowly capturing my sanity.

Valkyre ~ The Last She WolfWhere stories live. Discover now