Chapter 8

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Time skip: The next morning


We wake up to the smell of pancakes. Me and Lily quickly get changed and head downstairs. "Morning sleepyheads." we get greeted by Mark eating pancakes. "Shut it Marcus." I say but couldn't help smiling. "What're your plans for today?" asks Aunt Stephanie. "Well we might go see the gang today." I reply. Everyone falls silent and looks at me. "What about... Tom?" asks Max. "I'm over him." I say. Quick background info. Tom Bridgeton was my boyfriend. He's my ex now because he cheated on me. "Well we better get going." Lily says. We finish and head to the skate park where we said we'd meet everyone. Everyone being: Tom, Oliver, Mason, Chris, Henry, Emma, Mia, Susan, Amanda and Dawn. They were all skate boarding or rollerskating when they saw us. Immediately Dawn rushes over in her skates and hugged me. "It's been sooo long! How've you been?" she asks. I break the hug. "I missed you too." I laugh. "Guys! They're back." Dawn announces to the public. The others come on their roller-skates and skate boards. "Man how've you been?". "Dude I wish you'd been there the other day!". "Bro you should have see this girl. She was so your type.".  "Mark look at that cut. It's better than last time.".  "Wow Mark have you been working out?". The boys were talking to Mark. It was crazy but us girls oh my gods. "Lily that outfit look so good on you. N/N your hair. Wow.". "Lily how do you like NYC? Y/N girl I'm surprised you aren't a model or something.". "Lily how's you photography been? Y/N how's swimming?". "You two must have all the boys attention.". "I'm so jealous you two get to live in NYC!". We answer there questions and we all go into a group hug. "I bet you forgotten how to skate." challenges Oliver. "Oh dear, sweet Oliver. You're on!" Lily says grabbing her skate board. "Don't forget me." says Mark also grabbing his. I put on my skates. "N/N come on!" Emma says pulling me up. I almost fall being on skates and all... but someone catches me. It's of course Tom. "Thanks Bridgeton." I say. I skate away avoiding him. "Hey N/N! Race you!" yells Mia. "Yeah how about we do races!" says Henry. After a few rounds it was my turn against Susan. "Ready Susi?" I tease. "Born ready." laughs Susan. "On your marks... get set... GO!" yells Mason. We start skating. "I'm beating you Susi!" I tease. "Not for long N/N." Susan says picking up speed. We go around the park a few times and it was a tie. "You're good Susi." I laugh taking deep breaths. "You too N/N." Susan says. We sit down and everyone starts talking. "Hey Mark, Lily you two still dating?" asks Amanda. "Yup." replies Lily. The boys cheer Mark and clap him on the back. Us girls roll our eyes. "Thank god." says Chris. "Oh shut up." says Lily. "What about you N/N? You must be seeing someone." says Emma. "Oh" I start. My mind drifts off to Leo and memory of him smiling at me. "I don't know?" I say. "What do you mean?" asks Henry. "Well maybe? I guess?" I say. "What do you mean you guess?" asks Dawn. "Well there is this guy-" I start. "Leo Valdez. He's a friend of ours. They have amazing chemistry." teases Lily. "LILY!" I say blushing. "Well it's true they went on a double date." says Mark. "It-it wasn't a date!" I protest. "Oh suuuuure." teases Susan. "Does he have the looks?" asks Amanda. "Mandy! Susi!" I blush. I catch Tom's eye. He's not too happy about this news. "Oh sure you went on a date and now you like him." sneers Tom. "For your information I liked him before the date." I scowl the words slipping out of my mouth and I clap my hand to my mouth blushing. "Ooo Leo and Y/N sitting in-" Mason starts but Dawn puts a hand to his mouth. "So you like him?" asks Dawn. I nod. 'Yes I like him but I'm not telling him that.' I thought. "When do we get to meet him?" teases Oliver. "Never." I roll my eyes. "Ouch that's cold." says Oliver. "Shut up Oliver." I laugh. "Rude." says Oliver. We all laugh expect Tom. "I'm gonna go." says Tom. "Tom? Why?" asks Mia. 'I know he's leaving.' I thought. "No I'm going." I scowl and start to skate away but Lily garbs my arm. "Please?" she says looking at me and Tom. We sigh but sit down. Everyone starts talking again. To be honest it was fun except the fact Tom was there.

Time skip: That night

I was talking to Piper and Hazel. Annabeth was busy with her cousin or whatever. "So how's Florida?" asks Hazel. "It's good to be back with Uncle Sam and Aunt Stephanie. I've missed everyone but..." I say. "But?" asks Piper. "Well my ex Tom is here." I start. "What you have an ex?!" Piper exclaims. "Wait why did you two break up?" Hazel asks. "He cheated on me." I say. "He what?! Oh I wanna kill him so bad-" Piper continued talking in the background with Hazel remained calm. "You're over him right?" asks Hazel. "Yea of course I despise him." I say. "It's his loss anyways. You deserve better." says Hazel. "Just forget about him." I say. "How does he look? I'm gonna grab Nico and we're gonna shadow travel to you." says Piper. "Don't bring me into this Pipes!" exclaims Nico which I'm guessing meant they were in Hades cabin. "Have fun. I'm going to stop a World War III." Hazel laughs. "Well good luck. Bye." I say. The Iris message disappears. I sigh. "N/N?" Lily knocks. "Lily this is your room." I say. She comes in. "We're going on another group thing tomorrow. You don't have to come." she says. "Lily you sure?" I ask. "I insist." she says. "Thanks Lil." I say. Lily goes and starts rummaging in her drawers. "What're you looking for?" I ask. "My camera." she says. I smile. Lily's camera was a gift for Demeter when she was nine. She's been using it ever since and her photos are like magic. "Found it." Lily says. "I'm gonna sleep." I yawn. "Night." Lily says. I eventually fall asleep, but a nightmare distracted my peaceful state. I was back in Aunt Sabrina's house. I was my tenth birthday and I had just got back from school wearing a necklace one of my teachers gave me. My cousins Natalie and Chloe were following me. "Hello darlings. Oh yes Y/N hello." my aunt said. "Mom! Y/N was telling everyone it's her birthday. She was being an attention seeker." said Natalie. "That's not true!" I protest. My aunt slapped me across my face. "You're not allowed to talk. You're such a spoilt brat. You should be grateful you live here." my aunt scolds and leaves. Tears sting my eyes. "Oh no is she gonna cry." laughed Chloe. "What're you gonna do? Cry to your mommy?" said Natalie. "Oh wait you can't. She dead." mocked Chloe. Aunt Sabrina came back. "What's that you're wearing?" she demanded. "It's a necklace one of my teachers gave me." I mutter. "You're such a brat. You don't deserve it." she scowls. She gripped my arm her fingers digging through my skin as she took it off me as blood trickled down my arm. Then it went black. I ate up sweating and panting. "Y/N? You okay?" she asks. I shake my head and tell her about my nightmare. I look at the time. It's five in the morning. "Let's go downstairs." Lily suggest. I nod. "I'm gonna make a call." I say heading to the living room. I Iris message Percy. "N/N? You okay?" he asks. "Yeah but can you guys come?" Please?" I ask. "We'll be there in a few hours." he promised. I laugh. I knew he would say that. I head back to the kitchen and me and Lily make breakfast.

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