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As the planes descended towards the city hosting the reunion, anticipation hung thick in the air, a cocktail of emotions swirling within each passenger.

In his seat, Abhimanyu dreamt of seeing Kunj again. The boy he loved, the one whose heart he'd unintentionally broken. Regret gnawed at him, a constant reminder of his past mistake. However, the prospect of reuniting with his friends, especially Arjun, his childhood confidante, brought a flicker of joy to his eyes. He vividly recalled their late-night soccer games, the echoes of laughter ringing under the starry sky. Life, work, and distance had kept them apart, but Arjun's success filled him with a quiet pride.

Meanwhile, Twinkle and Niya buzzed with excitement. Twinkle, particularly, couldn't wait to see Manik, her partner-in-crime during their college days. They were infamous for their pranks and mischievous escapades, a bond that transcended mere friendship. Though Manik's relationship with Rohit distanced them, Twinkle cherished their connection. His musical success brought a smile to her face, a silent testament to her unwavering belief in him. Niya, on the other hand, was looking forward to catching up with everyone - Abhimanyu, Arjun, Rudra, Suraj, Laksh, Rohit, and of course, Manik. The five years of separation had created a void, and this reunion offered a chance to refill it with laughter and shared experiences.

Arjun, too, drifted down memory lane. He reminisced about the silly games, the camaraderie, the laughter that once filled his college days. He remembered the time Abhimanyu, chased by a furious Riya, scrambled behind him for refuge, their helpless laughter echoing through the corridors. He recalled their wild Holi celebration in Manali, a riot of colorful chaos that cemented their bond. As the plane touched down, a bittersweet nostalgia washed over him. He missed his friends, the carefree days of trust and belonging.

The anticipation crackled in the air as the reunion venue buzzed with the first arrivals. Niya and Twinkle, their laughter echoing like wind chimes, were the first to burst through the doors. Twinkle, her auburn hair cascading down her back, scanned the room eagerly.

"Niya, look! There's Professor Verma! Remember how he used to let us take candid photos during his lectures?" she exclaimed, pointing towards a corner where a kind-faced man with spectacles stood chatting with other attendees.

Niya grinned. "He probably doesn't even remember us causing chaos with those cameras!"

They made their way towards the professor, their greetings filled with genuine warmth and reminiscing of past escapades. Soon, the arrival of Laksh and Suraj injected a fresh dose of energy into the room. Laksh, a whirlwind of enthusiasm, launched into a rapid-fire account of their journey, peppered with exaggerated anecdotes and infectious laughter.

Twinkle, ever the playful one, nudged him playfully. "Laksh, take a breath! We haven't even seen everyone yet."

Their conversation was momentarily interrupted by a shout. Rohit and Manik, looking slightly disheveled but undeniably excited, entered the room. Manik, with a mischievous glint in his eye, crept up behind Twinkle, his hands covering her eyes.

"Guess who?" he teased, his voice husky with amusement.

Twinkle gasped, then shrieked with delight. "Manik! You rascal!" she exclaimed, flinging her arms around him in a tight embrace. Their reunion was a sight to behold – two peas in a pod, reunited after years. The room fell silent for a moment, a shared smile spreading across everyone's faces as they remembered the legendary prank duo from college.

Rohit, ever the supportive friend, greeted Twinkle with a warm hug, then extended one to Laksh. A playful punch on the shoulder and a raucous laugh confirmed their enduring bond.

The arrival of Abhimanyu, a hint of nervousness masked by a genuine smile, added another layer to the gathering. As he scanned the room, his eyes landed on Arjun, who had just walked in. A broad smile broke out on both their faces as they rushed towards each other, their reunion echoing with the warmth of a long-lost friendship.

"Arjun!" Abhimanyu exclaimed, throwing his arms around his best friend. "It feels like just yesterday we were burning the midnight oil in the library."

Arjun chuckled, returning the hug with equal fervor. "And here I thought the only thing burning in the library was your obsession with football strategies."

Their banter, laced with nostalgia and playful one-upmanship, filled the room with a comforting familiarity. Soon, the other arrivals joined the growing reunion, exchanging greetings, rekindling old memories, and filling the space with a cacophony of laughter and chatter.

As the afternoon wore on, a sense of camaraderie, stronger than ever, washed over the group. The years may have separated them, but the foundation of their friendship remained unyielding. The reunion, once a mere gathering, had blossomed into a promise – a promise of a weekend filled with laughter, shared experiences, and maybe, just maybe, a chance to heal old wounds and forge new beginnings.


However, a crucial question hung in the air: Would Rudra attend? Would he choose to confront the past, to reconnect with the friends who had witnessed his journey?

And then there was Kunj, a man haunted by ghosts of the past. Would he make the arduous journey back to India, face his anxieties, and possibly see Abhimanyu again? Would he choose to finally move on, or would the fear of heartbreak keep him tethered to the past?

The reunion loomed, a potential turning point for all of them. Would it be a weekend of joyous reminiscing, a chance to mend fences, or a painful reminder of past hurts? Only time would tell.

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