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The weight of grief hung heavy in the air as Kunj, along with Abhimanyu, Arjun, and Niya, found themselves standing before a simple gravestone bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. The inscription etched into the marble – Nandini Murthy – sent a fresh wave of sorrow crashing over Kunj.

Silence descended upon them, broken only by the gentle rustle of leaves in the nearby trees. Memories flooded Kunj's mind – Nandini's infectious laughter, her unwavering loyalty, the way she held the group together with her warmth. The vibrant girl who had been the heart and soul of their college years was gone, leaving a void that seemed impossible to fill.

Kunj knelt before the grave, a single white rose clutched in his trembling hand. Tears streamed down his face, each one a silent tribute to his lost friend. He traced the inscription with his fingertips, as if trying to grasp onto a fragment of the life that was cut short so tragically.

Arjun placed a comforting hand on Kunj's shoulder, his own eyes welling up. "We miss her too, Kunj. She was like a sister to all of us."

Niya, ever the stoic one, surprised them all by letting out a choked sob. "She was too young, too full of life. It just doesn't seem fair."

Abhimanyu stood silently beside Kunj, his gaze fixed on the inscription. He hadn't spoken much since the revelation, but the pain etched on his face spoke volumes.

The memory of Nandini's smile, flickered in his mind, tightening his heart with a pang of unspoken regret.

After a long silence filled with shared grief, Kunj slowly rose to his feet. He placed the rose on the grave, a final farewell to his friend. As they turned to leave, he cast one last glance at the tombstone, a silent promise forming in his heart. "We won't forget you, Nandini," he murmured, his voice filled with a newfound resolve. "Your memory will live on in our hearts."

The walk back to the car was a somber one. The weight of loss hung heavy on their shoulders, but a flicker of hope had also ignited within them. Their reunion, though marred by sadness, had served as a reminder of the bonds they shared, the friendships that had weathered the storms of time and loss. As they drove off into the twilight, they carried with them not only the memories of Nandini, but also a renewed appreciation for the fragile gift of life, and the importance of cherishing the people they held dear.

As evening painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, the friends found themselves gathered around a lively table at a local restaurant. Laughter and conversation filled the air as they delved into their current lives, recounting hilarious job anecdotes and career milestones.

Rohit, ever the curious one, turned to Kunj. "So, are you heading back to the States soon?" he asked.

Abhimanyu, perched on the edge of his seat, seemed unusually invested in Kunj's answer. His gaze flickered between Kunj and Rohit, a silent question hanging in the air.

Twinkle, ever the voice of reason, chimed in. "Come on, Kunj! You were saying on the phone how lonely it gets there. You should stay in India! Mom misses you terribly, always fretting about whether you're eating properly."

A thoughtful silence descended upon the group before Kunj spoke. "Actually," he began, "I've been thinking about moving back to India permanently. Even Mom suggested it might be best. So, I guess it's time."

Arjun's face lit up. "That's fantastic! My dad's been talking about setting up our company's headquarters here in India. Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of each other!"

Kunj couldn't help but smile at the prospect. "

Laksh, ever the jovial one, pumped his fist in the air. "Wow, so we'll all be hanging out regularly? Thank goodness! I was starting to get bored with this 'boring man' next to me," he teased, nudging a playfully offended Suraj.

Suraj, with mock offense, countered, "Oh really? Then come to bed tonight, and I'll show you just how 'boring' I can be. No cuddles for you!"

Their playful banter elicited laughter from the others. Rohit and Manik, however, exchanged a sad glance and donned exaggerated pouts. Rohit wrapped an arm dramatically around Manik's waist, burying his face in his shoulder. "See, babe," he mumbled, "they all get to hang out more often. Here we are, stuck in our boring condo."

Pulling himself away with a playful glare, Rohit mock-cried, "You should've chosen a different profession, Manik. Rockstar isn't exactly conducive to staying put. Now I can't spend more time with them!"

Manik, feigning offense, playfully swatted at Rohit's shoulder. "Hey, don't blame it on me! You could've picked a less demanding career, Mr. Rockstar's manager."

As the friends bickered and teased each other, the air was filled with a sense of camaraderie and warmth. They may have grown older, their lives taking different paths, but the bond they shared remained strong. The reunion, bittersweet as it was, had rekindled their connection, reminding them of the importance of friendship and the joy of shared memories. And as they looked towards the future, they did so with a renewed sense of hope, knowing that even though miles might separate them at times, their hearts would always remain connected.


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