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The Sydney sun streamed through the expansive windows of Rudra's office, casting a warm glow on yet another successful day. He leaned back in his chair, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips as he finished his last meeting. His secretary, a young woman named Emily, entered with a steaming plate of his lunch.

As Rudra dug into his meal, he glanced at his phone, noticing a flurry of notifications. With a raised eyebrow, he unlocked it, only to see a photo of himself plastered across his social media feed. It was the model he'd taken out on a date the night before – all smiles and carefully constructed poses. The caption, however, made him wince. It was a gushing declaration about their "amazing night" and a cryptic "maybe there's more to this story..."

Rudra chuckled, shaking his head. He wasn't naive. He knew the model's intentions. She was a beautiful woman, undeniably so, but their date had been purely out of courtesy. She'd been relentlessly pursuing him for weeks, and finally, Rudra had decided to give her a chance, a chance that ended with dinner and polite conversation. Nothing more.

He didn't bother commenting on the post. There was nothing to clarify. Rudra didn't need to announce to the world his relationship status, or lack thereof. His heart held a loyalty that transcended fleeting dates and social media theatrics.

A smile tugged at his lips as a familiar face flashed in his mind – Rohit. It had been five years since their paths diverged, five years filled with ache and a void no other person could fill. Rudra had dated, yes, but none of it felt real. He went through the motions, a charming facade masking the truth – no one could compare to Rohit.

His gaze drifted back to the cityscape outside his window. It was a different world from London, from Rohit's world, yet the connection remained. Rudra continued working, a quiet determination settling over him. Distance might separate them, but his feelings for Rohit remained a constant flame, burning bright even after all this time. He wouldn't give up hope. Maybe, someday, their paths would converge again. Until then, he would focus on his work, keeping the flame of his love burning for the only person who truly held the key to his heart.

The sleek proposal from Abhimanyu's company sat on Kunj's desk, a physical manifestation of a tangled web of emotions.

The potential benefits for Khurana Industries were undeniable – a chance to solidify their market dominance and expand their reach. Yet, the thought of working alongside Abhimanyu sent a wave of apprehension through him.

Would this collaboration create a professional bridge, or would Abhimanyu exploit it as a personal gateway? Kunj couldn't shake off the image of Abhimanyu's name on the note, a constant reminder of the past he was trying to outrun.

Days turned into weeks, the proposal a constant weight on Kunj's mind.

He discussed it with his team, the merits outweighing the risks. Finally, it came down to a decision: head or heart.

One evening, as the aroma of home-cooked food filled the Khurana household, Kunj sat down for dinner with Leela and Twinkle. The warmth of their small family gathering offered a much-needed respite from the corporate world. Twinkle, ever enthusiastic, bombarded Kunj with questions about his  day as CEO, her eyes sparkling with pride.

Kunj answered her questions with a forced smile, his mind still swirling with the proposal.

LeelaMa, her maternal wisdom evident in the lines around her eyes, noticed his unease. After dinner, while Twinkle was engrossed in a movie, Leela Mom followed Kunj into his study.

"Something's bothering you, beta," she said gently, her voice laced with concern.

Kunj hesitated, then showed her the proposal. He confessed his dilemma – the potential benefits for the company versus the personal complication that was Abhimanyu. He expected her to understand his reservations, but Leela surprised him.

"Sometimes, Kunj," she said, her voice firm yet kind, "the biggest opportunities lie beyond our comfort zones. This proposal, it might not be about Abhimanyu. It might be about Khurana Industries reaching new heights. You've grown so much, beta. You can handle the professional aspect, even with him in the picture. Remember, you control your response, not him."

Leela's words struck a chord within Kunj. She was right. He couldn't let his past dictate his future, his company's future. He wouldn't let Abhimanyu manipulate him.

"Thank you, Maa," Kunj said, a newfound determination hardening his gaze. "You're right. I can do this."

That night, a decision was made. Kunj wouldn't let his heart rule his head. He would accept the proposal, but on his terms. He would face Abhimanyu as CEO Khurana, not the heartbroken boy of the past. The collaboration would be strictly business, a platform to showcase his own strength and leadership, not a path back to a past he was determined to leave behind. The game had changed, and Kunj was ready to play.


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