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"What the actual hell was that physics test, it was like reading an ancient language." Hyein said while dropping her bag on the floor and slumping forward onto the lunch table.

"It's okay Hyein, I bet you did well." Hyein looked up at Haerin and gave her a blank stare.

"I think I failed. Even the smart students looked confused!" Hyein exclaimed and groaned loudly from frustration. Students around them turned their heads to look at the three.

"I'll buy you food for your hard work." Haerin said while eating her lunch. Hyein instantly became excited.

"Hey guys." Minji approached them with her backpack slung over her shoulder. Danielle stood right next to her wearing her signature smile.

"Hi!" Hanni's face lit up once she saw the tall girl standing at their table.

"Can we sit here? Some group took our usual spot and there's nowhere else to sit." Minji asked.

"Of course!" Hanni instantly said eagerly. Minji smiled and sat next to Hanni. Danielle sat next to Haerin.

"Hi Haerin." Danielle said softly to the cat-eyed. Haerin greeted her back shyly, her face was red and she was tense.

Why was Haerin acting like this? She was acting completely different yesterday with Danielle, she was talking to her normally. Now, she can barely look at her without becoming flustered.

The four began a conversation while Haerin listened quietly, she continued eating her lunch.

A loud crash was heard and everyone in the cafeteria looked around confusedly. Screams echoed in the halls and a stampede of footsteps scattered across the floor.

"Bro can we get just one normal day!" Hanni said and stood up from her seat.

"You guys go somewhere safe I need to do something." Haerin said before running to the restroom. A hand grabbed her wrist and Haerin turned her head around.

"Where are you going?" Danielle said worriedly, staring into Haerin's eyes intensely.

"Don't worry, I'll be back."

"But what if you get hurt?"

"I won't, I promise. Now go with them." Danielle nodded and let go of Haerin's wrist, she went with the others. Haerin bolted towards the nearest women's restroom locked herself in the big stall.

She pulled out her suit and took off her shirt and pants. She slipped on her suit and mask and pressed the button on her chest. Haerin hid her backpack and left the restroom.

She ran around the campus, searching for the cause of the explosion. Screams were still erupting and footsteps still ran around the halls.

She turned the corner and saw Mirage standing at the end of the hall. Students were desperately running away from the figure.

"Oh my god, not you again."

Mirage quickly charged at Haerin, throwing punches. Haerin dodged them and shot her webs at Mirage's arm. They quickly wiped off the web and grabbed Haerin, throwing her at the wall with a great force. The throw sent Haerin flying backwards into a classroom, breaking cabinets and glass bottles.

Haerin grunted loudly in pain, "Oh my god how strong are you?!" Haerin said while standing up. Mirage threw more kicks and punches, Haerin blocked them with her arms. Mirage continued to grab Haerin and throw her into several more classrooms.

"Stop throwing me, this is unfair!"

Mirage reached out for Haerin and she quickly ducked underneath Mirage and ran out of the chemistry room into the theater room. Haerin turned around and saw Mirage phase through the wall.

Love in the Web | daerinWhere stories live. Discover now