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Haerin woke up to the sound of her phone's alarm ringing. She looked beside her and saw that Danielle wasn't there. She picked up her device and checked the time.

Monday, 7:00 am.

Haerin tiredly got off her bed and entered the restroom to brush her teeth. After she finished, she walked out of her room to the kitchen. As soon as she opened the door, she was hit with an aroma.

She inhaled deeply, enjoying the delicious smell of eggs being cooked. Haerin noticed Danielle standing in front of the stove, cooking with a pan. She approached her quietly.

"That smells really good."

Danielle screamed at Haerin's voice, "Jesus christ!" She turned around to look at the girl and smacked her lightly on the shoulder, "Don't do that! You scared the hell out of me."

Haerin laughed at the girl's reaction, "Sorry." Danielle shook her head and smiled, continuing her cooking.

"Go sit down, I'll bring your food out in a bit." Haerin nodded and took a seat at the dining table. Once Danielle finished preparing Haerin's breakfast, she placed the plate in front of her.

Haerin's mouth instantly watered at the sight in front of her. Her plate had two avocado toasts with eggs on top— and it looked delectable.

"I remember you told me you liked avocados. So I made avocado toast for you." Danielle said shyly. Haerin smiled widely at her. She took a bite and her eyes widened at how good it was.

"Is it okay? Is it too bland?" Danielle asked nervously.

"This is so good Danielle." Haerin replied, her mouth stuffed with the food. The girl sitting opposite of her sighed with relief.

"This is way better than Soobin's avocado toast. I remember I asked him to make me one because I was craving it and he burned the bread, and it tasted bland." Danielle giggled and ate her food, which was the same as Haerin's.

They talked while they ate. Once they were done, they changed out of their pajamas and got ready for school.


It was lunch time, Haerin sat with her girlfriend and her friends in the cafeteria. Hanni and Hyein were telling them gossip about other students. Haerin silently listened, eating her food, while Danielle and Minji were adding their commentary.

"And they were caught in the back of school making out." Danielle and Minji's eyes widened. Hyein was snacking on her chips, enjoying the story time.

"And then Abigail ran up on her and whooped her a-" Hanni was cut off by someone clearing their throat. The five girls turned their heads to the person standing next to their table.

"Danielle. Can you get lunch with me?" Niki asked. Hanni made a confused face and looked at Haerin, she shrugged in response.

"Sorry. I already got lunch with Haerin." Danielle replied. Niki then scowled, staring at Haerin before huffing and walking away.

"Looks like someone slept on the wrong side of the bed." Hyein joked.

"What was that about?" Hanni said.

"Niki's been bothering lately, he keeps asking me if he can walk me to class. I tell him Haerin walks me to class and he gets angry." Danielle shrugged and ate her salad.

Hanni gasped loudly, causing the girls sitting at the table to look at her, "Oh my gosh that reminds me."

"I know one of Niki's friends. Yeonjun or something. He told me that Niki hasn't been going to football practice recently and he's been really closed off."

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