Aye, you're the new transfer on the girls basketball team!

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Jenna's POV:

"Shit. Fuck. Shit shit!" I ramble as I am attempting to slip on my shoes, while simultaneously shoving supplies into my backpack.

Today is my first day of classes, and I'm already running late.

Cheyenne and Jade were already up and about. I could hear Cheyenne humming to herself in the kitchen and the occasional clatter of dishes. Jade's voice drifted from the living room, where she was probably telling Cheyenne some crazy story.

Once I was slightly presentable, I made my way out of my room and down the hall to the kitchen.

"Morning, Jenna," Cheyenne greeted me with a grin, handing me a cup of coffee. "I made you coffee, I wasn't sure if you'd have time to make it yourself." She smiles.

I love this girl.

"Ugh, you're the best Coffey," I replied, taking a sip.

Jade looked up from her laptop and smirked. "Excited for the first day of classes?"

"Oh yeah, I'm just itching for some homework." I groan sarcastically.

I said my goodbyes to the girls and headed down to my car in the parking garage.

My car was finally delivered on Saturday from Virginia, so I was thankful I could drive it to campus. My mom didn't want me to drive it so far by myself so we just shipped it.

I pulled into one of the parking lots and quickly made my way across the sprawling campus. The buildings were massive, crowds even bigger, and I feel even smaller.

I found my way to my first class – Exercise Physiology, and took a deep breath before stepping inside the building. I looked down at my phone to see that class started 3 minutes ago. I'm fucked.

"Shit!" I muttered, picking up my pace. I hurried through the corridors, my heart pounding. By the time I reached the classroom, everyone was already seated, and the professor was starting the lecture.

I slipped inside as quietly as possible, but it felt like all eyes were on me. My face flushed as I made my way to an empty seat.

"Ahem," the professor cleared his throat, raising an eyebrow. "Late on the first day, are we?"

"Uh, yeah, sorry," I stammered, my cheeks burning.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to the class? Name, major, and maybe a fun fact," he said, clearly enjoying my discomfort.

I stood there, awkwardly clutching my bag. "I'm Jenna Iverson. I'm a kinesiology major, and, uh, I play basketball." I list off.

"Aye, you're the new transfer on the girls basketball team!" Some guy shouted from the back of the room.

"Welcome, Jenna. Please take a seat," he said, waving me off as the class chuckled.

I quickly sat down next to a girl with a grin on her face. "Nice entrance," she whispered. "I'm Malia, by the way."

"Thanks, I guess," I whispered back, trying to hide my embarrassment.

When the professor mentioned the syllabus, she leaned over and whispered, "Hope you love reading, because I heard this guy loves his textbooks."

Class was interesting overall, but I was still excited when it ended. Don't get me wrong, I like learning and I've always maintained near perfect grades, but classes are the last thing I want to sit through right now.

After class, Malia caught up with me. "Hey, wanna grab lunch? Since you're new to UCLA and all." She said.

"How'd you know I'm new to UCLA?" I asked.

"I mean, didn't that guy say you were the new transfer on the basketball team?" She questioned.

"Oh. Yeah, I guess you're right." I felt stupid now.

"I also looked you up after he said that." She laughed.

"Oh wow, okay." I chuckled. This girl is something.

"So, wanna grab a sandwich?" She asked again.

"Sure, that sounds great," I said. Why the hell not I guess. It wouldn't hurt to make a friend outside of the team, anyway.

We headed to a campus café and grabbed sandwiches, finding a spot outside to sit. We talked about everything – our majors, our reasons for choosing UCLA, and the craziness of moving away from home.

Turns out Malia is also from Michigan, and came here for Physiological Science, and is on the dance team.

"So, what made you pick kinesiology?" Malia asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"I've always been interested by how the body works, especially when it comes to sports. Plus, it helps with my game," I said.

"Makes sense. I'm more into the science-y side. Plus, I need to understand why my back is always killing me," Malia joked.

"Understandable. I'm down to study together sometime if you want." I suggested.

"For sure," Malia agreed, pulling out her phone to exchange numbers. "I can introduce you to my friends if you want to go out soon too." She offered.

"Okay, yeah!" I nod. I've always been good at making new friends, so I'm excited to have someone already.

The rest of the day flew by after I left lunch with Malia.

Two classes later, and I'm headed to my last class of the day – Biomechanics. So far, I've liked all my professors and can see myself enjoying the work.

I walk into the same building that my first class was in, and weave my way through the students that are heading to their respective lecture halls.

I'm not late this time, but the class is already filling up, so I quickly make my way through the door and glance up to look for a seat.

Except I freeze at what's in front of me.

There, sitting in the middle of the lecture hall, was Alexis Collins. She hadn't noticed me yet, so I quickly ducked my head and found a seat as far away from her as possible.

The tension was palpable. My mind raced, trying to focus on the lecture and professor while simultaneously being hyper-aware of Alexis's presence.

I think back to practice yesterday when we hit a great play, and then she just disappeared. Not to mention she didn't even speak a word to me the entire time.

I know we aren't friends, and I was expecting some sort of moodiness from her, but she hasn't even tried to welcome me.

I don't understand why she hates me so much. Sure, I'm not her biggest fan, but we've known each other since elementary school for Christ's sake! We didn't go to the same school, but we were always on club teams that played each other. Not to mention, we played against each other all four years of high school.

Sure, we rivaled each other and our town always made a huge deal about it, but at the same time, it's literally just a game? At one point, I thought we could get to know each other, but she always avoided me like the plague.

"Whatever." I mumble under my breath, before I can get worked up over her again.

'And she's so hot, what the fuck?!' I yell internally.

Class ended, and I quickly gather my things, and head to my car. This day has been exhausting.

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